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How do I patch an existing mod?


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I'll try to make this quick, but my question necessarily requires some explanation.


How do I go about creating a patch for an existing mod using the CK? In Oblivion, I would open the CS and load up the mod I wanted to patch, but not set it active. Then I'd make whatever changes I wished, save my work as a new esp with the original mod as a master, and put it into my load order making sure the patch went below its master. All done.


Evidently, that's not the way it works with the Creation Kit. I followed the same method as above to create my patch, but when I try to load the game with my patch placed after the original mod in my load order, it crashes. If I place my patch BEFORE the original mod, the game won't crash, but none of the patch's changes are taking effect either.


What am I doing wrong?

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Before you make the patch, esmify the .esp you want to make a patch for with Wrye Bash. Whenever you want to test it, you need to espify the master .esp again.


Remember to do this each time you want to make changes to the patch, otherwise it will get broken.

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Before you make the patch, esmify the .esp you want to make a patch for with Wrye Bash. Whenever you want to test it, you need to espify the master .esp again.


Remember to do this each time you want to make changes to the patch, otherwise it will get broken.


I'm not sure I follow.


To make the patch, I first esmify the original mod, then load up the resulting esm in the CK, and create my esp with the esm as a master. Then... ? When I want to use my patch, do I espify the original mod again, or keep it as an esm?


If I espify the original mod before trying it out, wouldn't my patch now be looking for a master esm that doesn't exist, since I've turned it back into an esp?

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My tutorial on the subject


If I espify the original mod before trying it out, wouldn't my patch now be looking for a master esm that doesn't exist, since I've turned it back into an esp?
No. It doesn't. Not if you follow the directions outlined in my linked tutorial.... It's part of a larger tutorial but the linked subsection is still valid for what you want to do.
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