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need someone to make my mod standalone


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Updated just for you, added new armor... you want your texture not to be loose put them in a bsa, dont work, dont care.


I'm not going to say what I really want to, because your not worth it.


it's just as I said. you don't want to help? then shut up and leave it to someone who wants to. don't like the truth? can't do anything about it. you didn't make my request, came here and boasted, underestimating everyone because you know how to create a mod (or you suppose to know). I made myself pretty clear when I made this request, you just didn't pay attention at all. I always told that I have everything ready on CK but having problems to match the textures to meshes. uploaded the unfinished file to my 4shared account waiting for someone to finish the job, because I know my limits and I know I can't do it, even if I tried this earlier.


just shut up and go away. you make me sick.

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Can you explain what you mean by standalone?


What exactly is it that you need?


I'm guessing that it has something to do with textures & meshes but I'm not too sure exactly what you mean by standalone. If you need a walk thru on using NifSkope to assign the textures to your custom/copied mesh, I can do that.

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thanks Ishara. I tried nifskope here, did the right path to refer the textures but I couldn't make it. I want a wolf armor, with my texture, called Harbinger Armor. all stats, where it stays and find, temper recipe, are ready on the CK. just can't match textures and meshes.
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please, any moderator, close this thread. since everyone wants me to do it, and I already told them that it's beyond my knowledge, tried EVERYTHING possible and no one wants to do it, it's pointless.


just got tired of this. I'll never ask anything to anyone anymore.

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Don't be so quick to give it up, you won't learn if you don't find out how to do it. You have the CK part done you said, that's the end part of the process.


You need to make the texture pathing changes to both _0 and _1 mesh files (.nif). Your textures should be in data/textures/yourfolder already(you will need all of the textures here, even if you only made changes to one of them).


Place your extracted mesh files on the desktop for easy access, then open Nifskope and open the first, navigate NiTriShape - BSLightingShaderProperty - BSShaderTextureSet and highlight that. Next go to the bottom window where it says +textures and click on the plus to expand.


You will see that it has a couple folder paths there already, change that to your path (data/textures/yourfolder/yourtexture.dds) and again for the yourtexture_n.dds and so forth. Once you've made the changes, Save As and rename it to whatever you like so it will be yournewmesh_0.nif. Repeat that process for the _1.nif counterpart. You can place those in data/meshes/yourfolder at this point.


Now you're not done, but you've made your armor in the CK which is good. For the Armor you can use the old Wolf armor texture for the World model, it won't affect the item when worn. You need to make an Armor Addon for it (find it in the Object Window), simply duplicate the Wolf armors Addon and where it is neccesary, point it to your new mesh that has been assigned with the new textures. After that, rename it and you are done.



I hope I didn't leave something out...lol :biggrin:

Edited by TheGreenLion
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