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Question about DynDOLOD...


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So, after I got everything setup, I realized that I can't use the Unofficial Materials Fix mod, due to its dependency on SMIM; I'm not using SMIM this time around. I was a dunce for not noticing it needed SMIM.


My question: will removing Unofficial Materials Fix screw up anything regarding the stuff generated by DynDOLOD, or should it be fine? I really don't feel like generating stuff again.

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Disable the Unofficial Materials Fix (UMF) mod and see if the DynDOLOD plugin complains that a master is missing. If it does, you will definitely need to rebuild. If it does not, you still run the risk of DynDOLOD using assets from the UMF mod. And if that is the case you may run across LOD that does not look like the close up model or you may run across areas that cause the game to crash or throw up various error markers due to assets not being present.


Safe bet would be to rebuild no matter what.

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