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Wiping out Slavers in Paradise Falls except for Pronto. Is it even pos


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Pronto is the merchant in Paradise Falls. He's the slavers' merchant, and as such is affiliated with them.


If you go wipe out Paradise Falls of all the Slavers, Pronto will turn hostile.


But I've learned by researching about the quest "Strictly Business" that it is possible to remove an NPC from its affiliated faction.


I tried the console commands "RemoveFromFaction 2f561" on Pronto and it didn't work. It seems to only work on Red of Big Town and Flak of Rivet City, when you want them to interact with you again after enslaving them and then releasing them.


I tried the console command "RemoveFromAllFactions" on Pronto but again it did not work. How do I stop this guy from becoming hostile to the player's character when I cleanse Paradise Falls of Slaver filth?

Edited by VGI
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The Moderators REALLY don't like people bumping threads. Be warned.


Given that, whatever else happens, Paradise Falls remains a stopover for the regular caravans, keeping Pronto alive has never been a concern for me.


There is also a mod that, after you wipe out PF, repopulates it with ex-slaves and so forth. Not sure if a merchant type is included, but it may be worth a look.

Edited by 7thsealord
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The Moderators REALLY don't like people bumping threads. Be warned.


Given that, whatever else happens, Paradise Falls remains a stopover for the regular caravans, keeping Pronto alive has never been a concern for me.


There is also a mod that, after you wipe out PF, repopulates it with ex-slaves and so forth. Not sure if a merchant type is included, but it may be worth a look.


Why would they not like people bumping threads? Would they prefer if I repost instead? I hope a moderator would answer this as I do not wish to be banned for something like bumping threads.


In any case, thank you for responding. Would you know that mod you are referring to?

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Why would they not like people bumping threads? Would they prefer if I repost instead?

No, they would prefer that you´d be more patient.


Bumping is frowned upon (and against the rules) because otherwise entire threads would become nothing but bumps, bumps and more bumps because everyone wants their topic to stay at the top.

Also, see this topic (chapter 2): All Newbies Read This Before Posting


On a more personal note: It's also annoying as hell.



As for your original question: I don't think there's a way to ensure that pronto will remain non-hostile when cleaning house in Paradise Falls. You could try and remove him from the slaver faction yourself with either the GECK or Fo3Edit though.

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Why would they not like people bumping threads? Would they prefer if I repost instead?

No, they would prefer that you´d be more patient.


Bumping is frowned upon (and against the rules) because otherwise entire threads would become nothing but bumps, bumps and more bumps because everyone wants their topic to stay at the top.

Also, see this topic (chapter 2): All Newbies Read This Before Posting


On a more personal note: It's also annoying as hell.



As for your original question: I don't think there's a way to ensure that pronto will remain non-hostile when cleaning house in Paradise Falls. You could try and remove him from the slaver faction yourself with either the GECK or Fo3Edit though.


Thank you for emphasizing on the rules. Much appreciated. I hate breaking rules without knowing.


As for my original question, yes, I know I'd have to use such tools as GECK or FO3Edit, what I need actually are the actual console commands.

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Console commands eh? Hmmm you could give the following command a try:


156a4 addtofaction 0001b2a4 1


No success guaranteed of course.


Mind to tell me what the parts of this console command and what they actually say? I know that "156a4" and "0001b2a4 1" are ids, but ids of what (like, what faction if they are faction ids, etc.)?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welllll console commands are great for doing it the quick and dirty way (or clean actually, though sometimes bugs rear their ugly heads).


Instead of trying to change a bunch of factions you can do it the hard way:

Arm the folks enslaved during Strictly Business with a good combat shotgun and maybe 30 rounds and a Fat Man with one mini nuke.

Then pickpocket the slavers ammo and weps and then release all the slaves outside first so they start to run away (becoming decoys) before freeing Susan (who's useless so she does NOT get any weps), Flak, Red, and Arkansas (in that order).


Anyhow the ensuing firefight is pretty hilarious to watch especially when a Red or Flak uses a mini nuke to take out 5 slavers at a time. After that the only slavers left are the ones who are in the slaver barracks, the doc, and Pronto. The ones in the barracks never seem to leave after that. Arkansas seems to like small guns over big guns.

It's a laugh

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  • 1 month later...
Given that using the console in a situation like this is acceptable, the first thing I'd try is maxing his disposition towards the Lone Wanderer. For what it's worth, I've attacked and nearly ghosted several Caravan Merchants just to see what would happen. They always mellowed out and were willing to transact business after only a few minutes. Go figure.
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