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Disable FaceGen textures?


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If we could disable FaceGen texturing we would make a BIG leap towards being able to create good looking characters. Make-up and the like could simply be applied to the textures and not via FaceGen, which isn't possible BTW. (Not really!)
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It could be possible.


I've been working on the textures for faces a lot and one thing that's clear is that the transparent characters who appear over summon signs (player summons and NPC summons like Beatrice) just have textures applied, with no facegen correction over the top. If you apply my Andre's texture pack and look at a summon, you'll notice massive differences.


I'm currently working on a third-person/first person mod but I've spent quite a bit of time hooking up systems that let me work out what each vertex and pixel shader constant does. If facegen texture overlay percentages are sent through to the graphics card using these constants, we can isolate the values and adjust them or turn them off. If someone else wants to have a look then I can help point them in the right direction, or otherwise I'll try having a look sometime soon.

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