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Retextured Shield is square from front view


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I guess the symbol texture you edited uses an alpha channel like this:




Alpha channel: black = invisible ingame


So you might messed around with the alpha OR you saved the .dds texture with a template that doesn't support an alpha channel (like DXT1 no alpha) - DXT5 ARGB 8bpp | interpolated alpha should work.

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I guess the symbol texture you edited uses an alpha channel like this:




Alpha channel: black = invisible ingame


So you might messed around with the alpha OR you saved the .dds texture with a template that doesn't support an alpha channel (like DXT1 no alpha) - DXT5 ARGB 8bpp | interpolated alpha should work.

I copied the original DDS, converted to BMP, did my edit (as a bitmap file) and converted straight back using a DDS converter program. Where did I go wrong?

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I'm using Photoshop myself so i have no big clue 'bout GIMP so you might wait for someone that knows how to edit an alpha channel in GIMP (IF (!) yours is messed up, could be only the wrong dds format as well) - Photoshops DDS plugin lists DXT templates you can choose from.


But yeah, at least this option looks correct...ABGR is the shortcut for the channels, Alpha Blue Green Red and 8 bits per pixel looks fine as well so ABGR8 should work.


But as mentioned the question is if your alpha channel looks okay (normally it should when you didn't change the original one) - in Photoshop you can simply select and edit each single layer (Alpha, blue,green,red), there should be a similar option in GIMP.

Edited by ghosu
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I copied the original DDS, converted to BMP, did my edit (as a bitmap file) and converted straight back using a DDS converter program. Where did I go wrong?


I'm not a texturing expert or even apprentice, but why are you converting to BMP? As far as I know, bitmap has no alpha channel support so aren't you losing the channel? Though I suppose you could re-add the information/pick the alpha colour again. Wouldn't PNG or any format with alpha/transparency support be better?

Edited by acidzebra
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BMP should support alpha channel (at least if he didn't play around with some special options to fill up the alpha channel)...




...but i can't understand why he converted it as well. GIMP + DDS plugin should be able to directly open/edit/save a .dds file? Or is it sooo much different from PS DDS :D

Edited by ghosu
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I did the conversion method first which I have done in the past to make Inn signs without any problems. I did open the DDS file in Gimp and simply drew a "V" on the shield and exported it. Still got the edges. I coloured all the edges in black in Gimp and now I see them black in game. I'm no expert with Gimp I just open the file, edit, and Export it back to where it came from.
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The error on my part, well not error but not important, is that I retextured the shield's DDS, this sounds logical, hence my error. The Stormcloak Shield DDS is used for all shields it is the wooden background or the back and edges of the shield. What has to be retextured is the symbol. I copied WIndhelm shield symbol and editted/drew over/retextured, whatever you want to call it and in Nifskope applied the "Retexture" to the shield front only and used the Stormcloak wood DDS for the edges and back. Hey Presto, now have a shield that is ****ing ROUND.

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