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Lost to the Ages: I am dissapoint!


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How do you make a quest that has absolutely no benefit to 2h weapon users?!?!?!


I can get a 0 armor crown, a shield to look nice on my wall or a staff to summon a robot spider...


Seriously? Giant quest for nothing?!?!


Has anyone made a mod that makes this less annoying? Why are all the cool weapons in that game 1h?


Just wanted to rant, but info on a mod would rock. Peace.

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Because its not a normal forge?

Because it was made to use Atherium only?

Because Atherium cant just be made into anything?

Because the Dwemer didn't have plans for anything else?

Because you didn't have the materials for anything else?


Also, it int Bethesda's job to design weapons/armor to work with mods.


The lack of usefulness in the items is your fault, not theirs.

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Yea the crown is fricking broken lol.


Atronach + Lord = Negate magicka.

Steed and anything else is extremely useful too :D


If your main problem is the armour bonuses I suggest looking or requesting a mod that makes the crown count as whatever armour you want.

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