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A Mage in Skuldafn: Lost


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Okay, so I'm not REALLY lost, just kind of figuratively.


I am a level 52 pure mage. 100 Alteration/Destruction, 80 Restoration/Conjuration, a variety of gear with double enchantments, the Atronach stone, over 800 magicka. I specialize in Ice, and have Apocalypse installed, so I have access to a number of those spells.


How the HECK do I kill these Draugr Deathlords that swarm in Skuldafn?


I've got okay DPS, and I've usually got a Potent Atronach out (or Durnehviir). I'm fine for killing them and I rely heavily on Paralysis spells (and my Staff thereof).


It's the damned arrows that get me, usually out of nowhere at all - and neither Adaptive Protection nor Ebonyflesh do much to help me.


How can I survive? Because I'm sick and tired of quicksaving every five seconds so I have somewhere recent to go back to.

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Had the same issue when I was playing my mage. Every arrow that hit me, killed me. I just stuck close to the walls and behind cover, paralyzed the archers from a distance while I dealt with the melee Deathlords/dragons, then took them out. There are a few you can take out from a distance if you have good aim, or an area effect spell (or luck). But yeah I saved a lot. Use detect spells to see where the archers are before venturing away from cover, then plan accordingly. Can't remember how long it took me to make it through there, or how many times I died, but I did make it.


edit: oh yeah, don't go out in the open! if you do alternate between running and sprinting and zigzag a lot.

Edited by thompsonar
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