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Combining Polyamory with Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack


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"Polygamey" sorta does the same thing, but in a far more limited fashion, simply removing jealously checks so two or more romances can progress simultaneously, while "Polyamory" introduces dialogue options that have the characters acknowledge the other romances and ultimately agree to "share".


"Complete Bi Overhaul" has nothing to do with what either "Polygamey" or "Polyamory" does from what I've read in the description, since all it does is remove gender restrictions from the romances.


Thanks for the recommendations though.




So, I was wondering, would it be possible to use Polyamory without the various .dlg files? I've looked into the .fsb files for the affected characters, and there's a difference in the index number of the various audio files (since Polyamory repurposes dialogue from other parts of the game) compared to the FIxpack.


Would the game crash if the mod fired up but wasn't able to find the relevant sound files? Or would it simply display the dialogue without playing the audio?


Alternatively, could the two .fsb files be merged (by adding the new sound files from Polyamory to the .fsb files contained in the Fixpack)? Is dialogue called up based on the filename or the index number?

Edited by gruntpepper
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Whoa! I thought you simply wanted to engage in multiple romances while using Qwinn's FP.


The various changes to .fsb files are probably integral to each mod, but can't say for sure. Try it and see!

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The mod almost certainly won't work without the DLG files, as the dialogue files tell the game which FSBs to use and the scripts probably won't work without the dialogue triggers.


And there's no way to 'combine' conversation files and scripts for DAO.

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I'm not planning to delete the .dlg files unless they're stored in the .fev files?


I've opened the dazip and besides .erf files there's a bunch of .fsb and .fev files pertaining to the romancable characters. After extracting those and comparing the audio files to the ones used in the Fixpack they're nearly identical, the Polyamory ones merely containing a few extra ones (which I assume are repurposed bits of dialogue the mod author mentioned in the description).


Now, from my fairly limited understanding, the way mods work in DAO is that only one override "instance" can be active at a time, so if I were to deleted the .fsb and .fev files in Polyamory and repackage the dazip file, the game would end up using the .fsb and .fev contained in the Fixpack, correct? To take things a step further, could I take the new audio files from Polyamory and put them in the .fsb of the Fixpack for the game to use?


And one more question, does the mod constantly use the "top" override file, or does it only use them when the mod is in action? As an example, if a mod added voiced dialogue, would the game constantly use the mod's .fsb or do so only when that new conversation is triggered in-game?

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