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Radient Quest System Overhaul



5 members have voted

  1. 1. Which option do you prefer? (Please post why also)

    • Option 1
    • Option 2

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I am currently working on a mod to give the Radient quests in Skyrim more substance. Enough substance, that they can stand alone without Quest Markers, which is why I have disabled them. This gives the user more of a sense of accomplishment (in my opinion), when they finally finish the quest.


Although, I need some input from the community to decide which way I should go with this mod.


Here are the options


I will use a simple quest that is given to you by any of the Innkeepers in the game as an example



Note - This is how it is displayed in game, in the Misc. Quests tab



Option 1:



First Objective given to the player when they start the quest

(RandomInnkeeper) recently gave me a bounty letter to kill the bandit leader hiding out at Guldun Rock (A Giant's encampment on the east border of Whiterun Hold. It is at the northeast base of the Throat of the World)


Objective given to the player when they kill the giant

I traveled to Guldun Rock (A Giant's encampment on the east border of Whiterun Hold. It is at the northeast base of the Throat of the World) and killed the bandit leader. I should now go and collect my bounty from Proventus Avenicci (An Imperial and Steward to the Jarl of Whiterun, who resides at the Dragonsreach, at the northeast part of Whiterun city)




Option 2:


First Objective given to the player when they start the quest

(RandomInnkeeper) recently gave me a bounty letter to kill the bandit leader hiding out at Guldun Rock (A Giant's encampment on the east border of Whiterun Hold. It is at the northeast base of the Throat of the World)


Objective given to the player when they kill the giant

I have killed the bandit leader. I should now go and collect my bounty from Proventus Avenicci (An Imperial and Steward to the Jarl of Whiterun, who resides at the Dragonsreach, at the northeast part of Whiterun city)




Now, a few notes about these options. You'll notice the First Objective for each option is the same. This is because I am satisfied with this and wont be changing it. The option that I am undecided about, is the Objective given to the player when they kill the giant.


Ask yourself how you would like to view these quests in-game.



With Option 1, the Objective given to the player when they kill the giant tells you:



-Where you went


-What you did


-Who to go to now



Advantage: More detail


Disadvantage: More text. It repeats the location and directions (In Parenthesis) to Where you went.






With Option 2, the Objective given to the player when they kill the giant tells you:



-What you did


-Who to go to now



Advantage: Cleaner looking quest in your log, reading friendly. Doesn't repeat the location and directions to Where you went


Disadvantage: Less detail





I am at a halt in making this mod because I cannot go back and switch from one option to the other. When I choose an option, I have to stick with it throughout all the Radient quests.



Your feedback is greatly appreciated, as I am very interested in completing this mod. It will allow me personally to play through the quests happily, which I have boycotted until I fix them.

Edited by Warburg
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Is it possible to vote for "remove parentheses altogether"? :/ It looks too much like the game is talking to the player, not the character. (For this reason I'm not voting.)


If I were voting I'd say option 2, however, I think it would look neater overall if it went:


First Objective given to the player when they start the quest

(RandomInnkeeper) recently gave me a bounty letter to kill the bandit leader hiding out at Guldun Rock, a Giant's encampment on the east border of Whiterun Hold near the Throat of the World.


Objective given to the player when they kill the giant

I have killed the bandit leader at Guldun Rock . I should now go and collect my bounty from Proventus Avenicci, the Jarl's steward in Whiterun.



That way it tells you who and where without getting repetitious and in a completely lore-friendly manner. Of course I know you didn't ask for suggestions and I suggested editing what you were already happy with, so I'm not really expecting you to take it up, I just wanted to put it out there.

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Is it possible to vote for "remove parentheses altogether"? :/ It looks too much like the game is talking to the player, not the character. (For this reason I'm not voting.)


If I were voting I'd say option 2, however, I think it would look neater overall if it went:


First Objective given to the player when they start the quest

(RandomInnkeeper) recently gave me a bounty letter to kill the bandit leader hiding out at Guldun Rock, a Giant's encampment on the east border of Whiterun Hold near the Throat of the World.


Objective given to the player when they kill the giant

I have killed the bandit leader at Guldun Rock . I should now go and collect my bounty from Proventus Avenicci, the Jarl's steward in Whiterun.



That way it tells you who and where without getting repetitious and in a completely lore-friendly manner. Of course I know you didn't ask for suggestions and I suggested editing what you were already happy with, so I'm not really expecting you to take it up, I just wanted to put it out there.



The problem is I change the name of a location to:


Guldun Rock (A Giant's encampment on the east border of Whiterun Hold. It is at the northeast base of the Throat of the World)


So, the radiant function is like this - I have killed the bandit leader at <location> . I should now go and collect my bounty from <steward>.



It may be possible to remove the parenthesis, but with some locations it is hard to describe a location in relation to major city's in a few sentences. I thought it may be easier to read in parenthesis, but I am still pondering this.

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