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please someone can make them leave? :(

anyone ?can change the graphic of this hated monster?:)

i cant play i avoid quests etc when i found redroaches etc :wallbash:

so please if anyone can make them with another skin i ll be happy :biggrin:

make them looks like rat or something else i dont care:) i gues its not hard to copy the graphic of rat so i can see the roaches as rats but i dont know how to doit ofc :unsure:

i realy wish someone can make this :)

sorry for my bad english and thanx :)

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They are kind of like rats in Oblivion, equally as annoying.



Do you just not like the LOOK of the roaches though? At first I thought you just wanted them removed, but if its just that they look like roaches....? You have a phobia??


Just close your eyes and let off a magazine or two! (Until the CS comes out)

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We all hate roaches but well

theyre the rats of oblivion

and at least they die with one shot/hit


believe it or not those roaches contribute to

the game enviroment a lot due to the popular believe

that roaches are the ones that can survive an A-bomb

(On the radiation part, they would still die to the heat

caused by the explosion)


How they got so big is another boring scientific that would

make doze off on your seat


but well

Rukia in this case u only got few options...


either u stop playing till a CS and a mod is released




u get used to seeing them (u could try turning that fear into hatred)

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heh well ofc make sence why roaches are in the game :P

i just hoped someone could make it :)

what is cs?:)

i thought to stop the game once but its so good game so i cant stop it :P good games are rare :)



CS is the construction set - the mod making tool!

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I was actually amazed that I didn't feel the same way. IRL, I have a pretty bad roach phobia, but the ones in game don't bug me as much...


Still, I do think it's a bit inconsiderate toward people with phobias. I feel the same way about spider enemies in, e.g., WoW. I'm not personally afraid of spiders, but I know that a lot of people are and would have to basically avoid areas with spider mobs.


(Although, fun fact, proper psychologists actually use video games to treat phobias. The idea being that the games provide a "safe" way for sufferers to interact with the object of their phobia before eventually moving on to real-life exposure treatment. So, yeah, it sucks, but I guess it's cheaper than therapy?)

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awww comeon you cant seriously be thinking about removing roaches??!! Its a post nuclear apocalypse ffs. logically the only things that should be left are roaches and mutants. Its almost a core component of the game, and if it scares you that's good; games are more fun when they're scary :biggrin:
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