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a mod that stops the player from instantly snaping left or right when using the A or D keys


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I noticed that when moving around and pressing A or D, instead of stepping around to go in that direction, the player will instantaneously snap in that direction. I noticed that bethesda fixed this (oversight? bug?) with fallout 4, in having the player take a step in the corresponding direction before walking. another, smaller thing that could be fixed in the same mod is running backwards instead of being able have your camera face the your characters face. i've always found it annoying that you could use the A and D keys to run forward if you were facing the right direction, but not the s key, which would cause your character to begin running backwards instead of running forward toward the camera. (this was also fixed in fallout 4). and I know that there are camera mods that allow you to edit the camera angle any way you want but I want to be able to use this without using any "edit camera" or "switch camera keybind" buttons, I haven't managed to find any mods out there like this however if there is i would like to know, otherwise it would be a great project to fix a simple, immersion-breaking, feature.

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360 Walk and Run Plus solves the issue of the player going backwards. With the mod the player will turn and run towards the camera but only when outside of combat.


As far as instantly snapping in the left or right direction, two ways to "workaround" this:


1. Press forward so that the character starts moving forward, press the side key so that the character will start moving at an angle between the two directions, then let up off the forward key so that the character now moves solely to the side. This allows for a good transition when wanting to keep the camera pointed in a specific direction. Using this method with the aforementioned mod it is possible to make the character walk in a decent circle without moving the camera.


2. The other is to use the mouse to change where the camera points so that any turning is done while going forward. This gives a good visual turn when wanting to keep the camera "following" the player. Walking in a circle is not possible as the mouse would have to constantly move at the same rate and in the same direction. Eventually, one would run out of usable surface for the mouse.

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