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Problem with lights!!!


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Hey, I need some help for some reason my lights are getting off and on in my interior cell,I'm talking about non shadow caster, the bad thing is i need those lights because without what I try to do would not work I need it to light a waterstream so that it looks like the water is melting steel!, and that's not working when the lights are getting off when i turn away, the lights do work in the CK but not ingame :( pls help im happy for any idea i got :3
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In the CK have you checked the Render window properties -> Shaders then check the box under "Debug" that says #of lights.

How many objects are purple or red? To many lightsources hitting the same object can create a lot of artifacts, and those artifacts beeing lights just not emitting on to objects around them because there are so many lights trying the same. How you explain that they turn on and off depending on your position sounds a lot like this. All objects in a lighted space should be no more than blue/purple, dark blue is the one that is really the max if you don't want to risk artifacts, purple is where you start getting them and bright red is more or less a certain chance of this happening. I hate this limitation, but you can get around it by trying to increase the radius of lights and their brightness. I find that using shadow casters with normal lights in a mix can get you good results, also spot lights can do a lot of good things :)


I also know that some lights after a patch a while back got fubared, like they will turn themselves off completely and slowly turn themself on. Though i have not see this in interior cells, only exterior worldspace and especially Dawnguard worldspaces.

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