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101 Fun things to do in Fallout 3


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Found a new one today... it was quite funny.


48. While in Megaton with Fawkes, jump over the pipe to the left leading into town. If timed right and done in the right place (I'm not too sure on either), Fawkes' pathfinding should glitch. Watch and laugh as he runs like a madman on Jet all the way around town to reach your position.

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49. Explore the Shelter (not marked on the map) under the big bridge South-South-East from the Cryshis building. Just go East from the Farragut West metro station. It's just before the Super mutant settlement. When inside, look at the wall in the last room. You can just wonder "how" the ghoul in there spent it's time before going feral.


50. Shoot Three Dog.


51. Kill multiple enemies with the same bullet. (It's possible. I killed 2 super mutants with one Lincoln's repeater shot.)




52. Use Pulse mines as dominoes. Just make a long line of them (console tgm if you don't have enough) and the shoot the first, or even better, make a mutie walk into it. Boooom...

(spent 1 hour making a long line of them and just made the game crash :P)

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56. Going to Paradise Falls and buying hundreds of BBs from Pronto (and a BB gun if you need it) and then proceed to attempt to kill a Behemoth on Very Hard.
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58. Beating the overseer to death with a lead pipe like he did to your dads friend.


59. Mezing people then taking there clothes leaving them to wander around in their underwear.


60. Enslaving children


61. Totally eradicating by death or slavery that filthy ghoul presence.

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62. (evil / no feelings) Using the kill children mod and take out tommy hargroves kid for being a mouthy male without a father


63. (evil / no feelings) Using the kill children mod go to little lamplight and remove the mouthy brats with avengance with a sniper


64. Endlessly attack Zimmer with a melee weapon as he tries to get up


65. Stand with tempenny and randomly fire off rounds with the sniper with him


66. Using the console add the UNSCOPED .44 magnum that mysterious stranger uses, writhe around in its 8000 damage


67. Try and enslave a entire town

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