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Your favourite weapon in Fallout 3?


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Depends what i'm up to, for close range i prefer the Combat Shotgun, mid range would probably go to my faithful Hunting Rifle or Lincoln Repeater and for long range i go with Sniper Rifle. I generally carry all 3 if i can find them, since all bar the sniper are pretty common they are also easy for me to repair. ;)
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Hunting rifle, Chinese assault rifle, and a combat shotgun. Nothing is more satisfying than sniping at a Super Mutant Brute with the rifle, charging him down with the AR, ducking behind a pillar to wait for him to reload, and bust out with a shotgun blast to the face.


Plus, a combat helmet + talon merc armour + hunting rifle = one badass angel look going on. :D


They're just my favourite weapons because of many factors. Easily available ammunition, each has it's own range specialty, and the sounds they make are awesome. A crack of the rifle, the thud thud thud of the AR and the blam of the shotgun are so mood setting it's not even funny. They even look sexy!


My current arsenal (the one I'm lugging around, anyhow) is;


-Hunting Rifle

-Chinese Assault Rifle

-Combat Shotgun


-Sniper Rifle

-Laser Pistol

-Silenced 10mm pistol

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It depends entirely on the target.


-Deathclaws deserve nothing less than a backhand from one of their deaceased brethren. (After being softened up with a dart and a bottlecap mine; they are a bit fast and tough to go toe-to-toe with)


-Super mutants get a mine in the pocket if I can catch them unawares.


-Anyone of importance (Tenpenny, Eulogy) gets one of the rare intact garden gnomes to the face via the Rock-it laucher. I think of it like the man with the golden gun with his golden bullets for assassinations.


-Then Ol' Painless seems to take care of whatever is left with surprising efficiency and panache.


If the dart gun looked less laughable it would be a firm favourite; shooting dogs in the wasteland and watching them turn and hobble towards you, knowing that the poison will kick in before they have made it a couple of steps is ace.

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