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Classic Laser weapons


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I'm a bit disappointed with the laser weapons in XCOM. They lack the characteristic that made them a decent stepping stone to plasma back in X-Com; no ammo. It takes a bit out of them to have laser weapons requiring reloading.


So here's a thought for a mod. Would it be possible to alter laser weapons back to the original style? I suppose it could be done by boosting the clip size to 100 or similar somehow. High enough that it wouldn't matter in a normal mission.


Any thoughts?

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I'm a bit disappointed with the laser weapons in XCOM. They lack the characteristic that made them a decent stepping stone to plasma back in X-Com; no ammo. It takes a bit out of them to have laser weapons requiring reloading.


So here's a thought for a mod. Would it be possible to alter laser weapons back to the original style? I suppose it could be done by boosting the clip size to 100 or similar somehow. High enough that it wouldn't matter in a normal mission.


Any thoughts?


I think I saw a "no reload" property that could be reused on all laser weapons. This requires tweaking of DefaultGameCore. I'll test that property on an assault rifle later tonight.

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I think the unlimited ammo attribute doesn't have anything with reload to do. Unlimited ammo probably means that the weapon can be reloaded infinitely. The rocket launcher for example has limited ammo (1 or 2 rockets) but I think all other weapons have unlimited ammo.
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I can't test since I'm at work, but I do have a copy of DefaultGameCore.ini here.


There are two different properties, that folks have pointed out thus far. I was referring to "eWP_NoReload". This property is found on the Rocket Launcher:










The other property found in some of the Laser and Plasma weapons is "eWP_UnlimitedAmmo". Here is an example of that property:








I cannot remember, because I've used 'em maybe three times ever, but Pistols do not need to be reloaded. Therefore, if you want all other Laser weapons to emulate that behavior, you will need to add the eWP_UnlimitedAmmo property.


Hmm... on a side note, I wonder if what will happen if you remove "eWP_NoReload" from the Rocket Launcher? *evil grin*

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I think you're right on that one. I checked and eWP_UnlimitedAmmo is only found under the pistols. That might be the key. I'm wondering about that eWP_NoReload though because int he game the rocket launcher is a 1 shot weapon. It might be that eWP_NoReload actually stops you from being able to reuse a weapon after it runs out. Interesting though. Thanks.




I tried adding unlimitedammo to the laser rifles then I loaded up a combat mission. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to change. I also tried this out.













I've changed the Properties[0]=eWP_Rifle to Pistol thinking that maybe the lack of ammo was part of the pistol's basic characteristics or something like that. I loaded up a game, and not change. I also went in and started a new mission rather than loading up a saved one thinking that maybe the weapon properties were saved somewhere. Still no change.


So I'm wondering if we're barking up the wrong tree here or if there's some sort of cache that's saved the data making changes to defaultgamecore moot unless your starting a new game. I haven't tested that yet though.

Edited by thenightgaunt
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Related to the subject of modding weapons, this made me realize that there are ways of allowing more variety in loadouts even if we can't add more item slots at the moment. You can add a property to the Arc Thrower to have it take up a pistol slot with "eWP_Pistol," and allow it to be equipped along with frag grenades, medi kits, and the like, it just takes up the slot of your pistol, which is something I'm more than okay with.
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Yeah, Something's up with DefaultGameCore. To test changes I set damage on laser rifles to 50 and the cost on medkits to 1. Loading up some saves, nothing had changed on either item.


This kinda fits with the findings over at the "Finding the First Step" thread. I should really read more of the threads on this forum. ^^

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Tested eWP_Unlimited Ammo, and it does let you have a bottomless magazine. Just have to start a new game when you change things around in the .exe.



Hmmm... I made changes to the exe... I made it so the bonus of having sat's adjacent was 2 and I saw it immediately in my save game.


Regarding having more than one inventory spot I saw some of this which looks interesting.


Nevermind just saw somebody else posted about this.

Edited by snwkill
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