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Everything posted by thenightgaunt

  1. Aye, that was a disappointing revelation as well. I might have a chance to try to do simply add the settlement option in sometime next year as there's a great tutorial on creating settlement areas, but I wouldn't even be able to start trying until late January. Anything beyond that though would be beyond my abilities. It would be great if someone with more skill wanted to expand that area of the DLC, but it doesn't sound like there were a lot of modders who want to play with the Nuka-World DLC.
  2. Good point. You'd have to eliminate the raiders anyway, but if you went with the "open season" option that would be happening anyway. I think you have the right idea about linking the activation of the workbench to turning the power on.
  3. H Good point, scripting that would be a pain in the butt. However...what about settlements? What if we could setup each individual park as a settlement? Or even just a large chunk of the front area of each park? You could tie the activation of the workbenches to the completion of the Open Season quest, and then leave it to the Player to populate the park. Hmmmm. I've got zero experience with this but it's an interesting concept.
  4. I enjoyed Nuka-World, but was severely dissapointed by the ending if you decided to go the "good guy" route and complete the Open Season quest, killing off all the raiders (I don't think that counts as a spoiler). While claiming sections of the park allows gang members to spawn in them, clearing out the gangs turns the park in to a ghost town. There's not even an option to just randomly spawn in traders in those park sections. If you look at the areas in the Creation Kit, there are only actor spawns for raiders. So it looks like there's a lot of opportunity for post "open season" content in the Nuka-World DLC. The most minor being a mod that adds random traders to the park zone spawn lists. But while I've seen a few posts under the Mod Requests forum, I haven't seen any sign of actual mods in progress. Does anyone know of any mod projects currently being worked on to bring content to the post "open season" Nuka-World?
  5. I'm with you. The only thing this has done is force me to spam the VATS button as I travel to detect nearby enemies.
  6. This is really a Survival related mod idea. I essentially want to redesign the carts from Skyrim. An object or NPC you can place in a settlement that will grant fast travel to a set list of locations in-game. Is there anything out there that already does similar that I could look at? Or does anyone know of the script/command/whatever that Fallout 4 uses to send the player to a set location? I'm fine with looking into this myself, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Also, to be honest, the more work this takes, the less likely it'll be to ever get finished. Any advice?
  7. So far you can use NMM just fine with 1.5. I think that the in-game menu is messing with load order if you select either the "mods" or "load order" options while in the in-game main menu. However i'm not sure how one would go about pulling a mod from Bethesda.net so it could be organized with NMM.
  8. I think the OP might have meant the excessive head and limb explosions. I don't want to turn off the gore because it should be there, but I would also like the rate of head explosions and limb removal to be nerfed somewhat. Maybe moved to only on crits or something like that.
  9. I think it's because Bethesda really wanted to go back to the feel of Fallout 1, but felt that they had to make Fallout 3 a sequel that took place years after the last game. If you look at Fallout 3, it should really be taking place at the same time as Fallout 1 in terms of the devastation and how little rebuilding was going on. But they also forgot about Shady Sands and that it was a completely new, clean village made using adobe. While Fallout 4 feels like it should be taking place at the same time as Fallout 2 (cities are coming back attempts at trade, etc). The weather though does make a little sense, as to the dead plants. I think that Fallout 4 takes place in the fall. October and November. They grass died, the leaves fell, it's raining constantly and it's wet. It'd just help if they went with a more dynamic environment grass and leaf-wise.
  10. Yep, I updated and it's happening now. But I still got a few OK plays before it started happening.
  11. Forgive the silly question, but are you modifying the .ini file, or the "copy" of DefaultGameCore inside XComGame.exe? Guess which of those would be the sillier answer. ^_^' Nope I haven't messed with the exe yet. That was all ineffective fiddling with the ini file and not the one in the exe which actually produces results. That's what I meant by " I should really read more of the threads on this forum" comment above. After reading through the "First step" thread my face is a bit red from my earlier posts.
  12. Update: Yeah, Something's up with DefaultGameCore. To test changes I set damage on laser rifles to 50 and the cost on medkits to 1. Loading up some saves, nothing had changed on either item. This kinda fits with the findings over at the "Finding the First Step" thread. I should really read more of the threads on this forum. ^^
  13. @Beknatok I think you're right on that one. I checked and eWP_UnlimitedAmmo is only found under the pistols. That might be the key. I'm wondering about that eWP_NoReload though because int he game the rocket launcher is a 1 shot weapon. It might be that eWP_NoReload actually stops you from being able to reuse a weapon after it runs out. Interesting though. Thanks. EDIT: I tried adding unlimitedammo to the laser rifles then I loaded up a combat mission. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to change. I also tried this out. Weapons=(iType=eItem_LaserAssaultRifle,ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_ShotStandard, ABILITIES[1]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[2]=eAbility_Overwatch, ABILITIES[3]=eAbility_NONE,ABILITIES[4]=eAbility_NONE, ABILITIES[5]=eAbility_NONE,Properties[0]=eWP_Pistol, Properties[1]=eWP_UnlimitedAmmo,Properties[2]=eWP_None, Properties[3]=eWP_None,Properties[4]=eWP_None, Properties[5]=eWP_None,iDamage=5, iEnvironmentDamage=125,iRange=27,iReactionRange=-1, iReactionAngle=200,iRadius=0,iCritical=10,iOffenseBonus=0, iSuppression=0,iSize=eItemSize_Large,iHPBonus=0,iWillBonus=0) I've changed the Properties[0]=eWP_Rifle to Pistol thinking that maybe the lack of ammo was part of the pistol's basic characteristics or something like that. I loaded up a game, and not change. I also went in and started a new mission rather than loading up a saved one thinking that maybe the weapon properties were saved somewhere. Still no change. So I'm wondering if we're barking up the wrong tree here or if there's some sort of cache that's saved the data making changes to defaultgamecore moot unless your starting a new game. I haven't tested that yet though.
  14. Cool, thanks. I was looking in there and i noticed that the laser weapons and the plasma pistol all have a unlimitedammo property, but given how they work ingame I'm wondering if either 1) it means something else, or 2)it's supposed to be implemented.
  15. That's actually one of my biggest concern about messing around with any of the game files. The last thing I want is for my Steam account to get VAC banned.
  16. I'm a bit disappointed with the laser weapons in XCOM. They lack the characteristic that made them a decent stepping stone to plasma back in X-Com; no ammo. It takes a bit out of them to have laser weapons requiring reloading. So here's a thought for a mod. Would it be possible to alter laser weapons back to the original style? I suppose it could be done by boosting the clip size to 100 or similar somehow. High enough that it wouldn't matter in a normal mission. Any thoughts?
  17. There was a mod back when this game came out and it put your radiation level, thirst, hunger, etc all on the same screen in the pipboy as your health and limb status. It meant the to check anything character healthwise, all you had to do was open the status screen on the pipboy. No clicking between individual sub-screens dedicated to individual stats like radiation level or thirst. Since then I lost it and can't find anything like it. Does anyone else know of this mod? If not, does anyone know how I'd go about creating my own version (ie: where the files that would need editing are located)? Thanks
  18. I am having the exact same problem. And I have a similar list. 1. project nevada 2. unified HUD project 3. Mod configuration menu 4. primary needs.
  19. That's kinda what I thought. Thought the script attached to the Glowing Ones via the info window on them doesn't look like it. The only script there is: scn zMMMzzHumanoid short iRun Begin OnLoad if iRun == 0 && GetDead == 0 set iRun to 1 castimmediateonself zMMMzControlScriptNPC endif End Begin OnDeath castimmediateonself zMMMzSkeletonDecay End And from the info in MMM's readme, that seems to just be the whole "bodies decay into skeletons over time" trick he included in the mod and not the changes XFO made in the compatability patch. Now 5+ years of programming courses and even more years of experience with computers has taught me I don't know a damn thing about script or programming. But, I'm not to bad at locating and editing if I'm told what to look for. So does anyone know how youd go about doing the headshot thing with script in GECK? The info garnered from that would allow me to hunt down the offending script and edit/kill it.
  20. I have a bit of a problem. I'm using MMM and XFO and the compatibility mod that XFO includes has a bug in it. In the MMM-XFO compatability mod he says the following. "Ghouls have been extensively reworked, largely inspired by the MMM Feral Ghoul Rampage mod. Feral Ghouls and Feral Ghoul Roamers now have very few HPs, but only take damage in the head. They move very slowly, but do long, slow poison damage on touch. Despite their incredibly slow movement, if used with Rampage, these ghouls can overwhelm an unwary adventurer. Glowing Ones, on the other hand, move very quickly and do radiation damage when they hit. (I don't want to hear any lore whining about ghouls, but I will separate this out and make it optional in the next version. Currently, compatibility patches are VERY much a "work in progress," and this is basically a preview.)" What this means is that the ghouls only take damage from headshots. Well the Glowing Ones ghouls are buggy and now immortal. It's not a stat thing as I've gone in with GECK and the stats are fine (if off, hp=10,000) and neither "essential" nor "invulnerable" are selected. I though it was a flaw in the "GhoulRadHeal" actor effect (rads heal, the ghoul gives off rads=healing loop) but no go there. And there's nothing i can find that's doing it. So I'm attacking the problem in a backwards kinda way since XFO hasn't been updated in months. So here's the question. How would you go about creating that headshot effect with GECK? Where a hit to any other local on the body does nothing, but a hit to the head will either do damage or kill instantly?
  21. Well hell, this answers almost all of my questions all at once. Thanks ^_^
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