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Classic Laser weapons


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Yeah, Something's up with DefaultGameCore. To test changes I set damage on laser rifles to 50 and the cost on medkits to 1. Loading up some saves, nothing had changed on either item.


This kinda fits with the findings over at the "Finding the First Step" thread. I should really read more of the threads on this forum. ^^


Forgive the silly question, but are you modifying the .ini file, or the "copy" of DefaultGameCore inside XComGame.exe?

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Yeah, Something's up with DefaultGameCore. To test changes I set damage on laser rifles to 50 and the cost on medkits to 1. Loading up some saves, nothing had changed on either item.


This kinda fits with the findings over at the "Finding the First Step" thread. I should really read more of the threads on this forum. ^^


Forgive the silly question, but are you modifying the .ini file, or the "copy" of DefaultGameCore inside XComGame.exe?


Guess which of those would be the sillier answer. ^_^'


Nope I haven't messed with the exe yet. That was all ineffective fiddling with the ini file and not the one in the exe which actually produces results. That's what I meant by " I should really read more of the threads on this forum" comment above. After reading through the "First step" thread my face is a bit red from my earlier posts.

Edited by thenightgaunt
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