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Skills over 100


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As far as I understand it perks like "Gun Nut" only boost your current skills, they are not added to your skills post your personal leveling.


Basically I am hoping that when/if a CS comes out someone will mod it so that Apparel and perks that add + to skills will allow you to break the 100 point cap... because right now the perks are a waste, because you get so many skill points already and hit 100 on your main skills so easily.


So if you have 1 rank of gun nut (small guns/repair +10 I think) you would be able to add skill points up to 110 because 10 of those points are added on top.


This seems like a very logical mod and I am surprised Bethesda didnt do this.


Seems to me that the perks that add skills only hurt you in the long run because there are better perks that arent essentially wasted and have skill equivalents (Lady Killer, Stranger, Lead Belly)


Hope some1 will make this mod when the CS comes out... or I will try to do it myself

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Acctualy I agree. That books should not be able to do it but I think that items like Ranger Combat Armor or Yew's Bear Charm should be able to add their bonus to break 100. Else these items feel... Unecesary. Also Bobbleheads... If you feel that having Small guns at something like 120 is too much make it so that only the highest bonus applies (if you have one +5 and one +10 only the +10 applies so the total is 110, not 115).
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