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jet pack height


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So, I am noticing a fundamental limit and it's starting to get on my nerves. When I jet pack, either in power armor or with the Personal Jet Pack ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7668?tab=files ) that I run into a maximum height I can jet pack in one go. For example, I could stumble on some Gunners or raiders up on an overpass. I can either run *all* the way down to the next collapsed section / cable car up or jet pack up to say "Hi!" and put lots of large holes in them. So I go to jet pack up and I get *almost* all the way up and, despite having half an AP bar still left, I start to drift back down. Like "Uggh!" , seriously? Is there a game setting or something I can change to give me that little bit extra to make it up to higher places with out having to play the part of a billy goat and jet pack up to here, then a little higher to here, and finally up to the high point I am aiming for?

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