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A) Continue freeroam B) faster respawns


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Two things bug me a lot in Fallout 3, and these seem to be the only two things I think need fixing.


For starters, make enemies respawn in areas faster. Example: I killed the raiders in an office building one day and went back two to three weeks later (game time) and the bodies were still there. Super Duper Mart is STILL wiped clean a month later as well. At the rate i'm clearing stuff out and having fun, the game world will be dead lol :rolleyes:



And finally, let me freeroam after the game is done! That's where 200 out of the 300 or so hours I spent of my Oblivion character come from....just walking around, exploring, looting, looking for cool spots I've never seen before, etc.



What do you guys think?

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amen to that.... haven't finished the game yet but now im not going to until Ive spent along time stuffing around....... honestly.. who makes an RPG where it just ends....


Same thing pissed me off at the end of the first saints row.



Bethesda did.............

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I think people have been spoiled by free roam games that let you finish the grand, main quest that exalts you as hero of the known world, and then lets you go off and do a quest to kill rats like a rookie.


Many old school games were the "You beat the final boss, game over now," variety. I never liked it, but it made sense that once you complete the ultimate goal, there's not much left.


I guess I am just saying that even though I don't like the ending of the game just because you finished the main quest, I understand why it was done before, and still is done in many games.

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Personally, I'd like to see having a random band of npc's spawn on the edge of the freeroaming area, and have them "look" for unoccupied areas. IE, areas with a lot of bodies that the player has killed. Sort of a "Well, this area is clear, spawn npc's over there to start walking here."
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Personally, I'd like to see having a random band of npc's spawn on the edge of the freeroaming area, and have them "look" for unoccupied areas. IE, areas with a lot of bodies that the player has killed. Sort of a "Well, this area is clear, spawn npc's over there to start walking here."

That would be cool to see happen. And if they would take the bodies and put them some were or burn them and take all of their stuff (wakes up from day deaming)....if possible....

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Or C) Making a mod which allows you to create a Lv20 character along with it's perks and go on a custom created challenge level, with it's main quest a list of special objective to finish (assassinations, deliveries, support/protect VIPs, etc.).
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