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Vampire Dirty Face Glitch/Bug


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Okaaaay. I've done Google searches and the like, found mods that are meant to fix it etc and to no avail.


Serana. I have 5 mods altering her already (Change armour, stealthier, VL drain spell fix, face revamp and another one I don't know what it is. Just called serana.esp)

I've fixed the dirt bug on my character with mods, but it's as if Serana is her own race and unaffected. Every so often she will just get the darker face - obvious due to the neck seam on the CBBE body and the rest of her being a healthier colour.


Anyone got any definitive fixes for this? Normally I'd merge all my .esps for her, due to conflicts etc, but without a TESVEdit I can't :(

Oh, and Wrye Bash picks up that these .esps are all editing the same NPC. I also do not know how to use Wrye Bash. Halp :wallbash:


EDIT: I forgot to say that if I load the Serana Armour Changeable mod AFTER the facelift one, she gets "dirty face". Vice versa, she has her normal appearance without "dirty face" but I can't change her clothes. Could I make my own merger of these 2 in the CK?

Edited by BeefPie
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