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Creation Kit Render Window Help, please?!?


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Hi Folks!


I am having a problem with the Creation Kit and its Render Window. I want to place my follower in the "Sleeping Giant Inn?!?" When I tried to save in the "AI Packages" an error came up saying something about my package is not "Unique" or something to that affect. (I did have unique selected in the character creator) I don't know what it is referring to? In addition, where can I fine a Creation Kit Render tutorial on YouTube? I can't seem to find what I am looking for. Thanks.



Edited by jallard
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<br><a href="
class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external">BestinSlot's video tutorial</a><br><br><a href="http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Creating_an_Actor" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external">CK basic tutorial</a><br>
<br><br>Thanks. I have watched BestininSlot's video, however, he doesn't explain how to move around in the Render window. Now if I can only figure why I was getting the following error message when setting up the Relationship: <br><br>"Form's ID is not unique.  Previous form is type Relationship." It  also did the same thing when I was trying to set up the AI Package. Edited by jallard
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When you get those "form's ID is not unique" errors it means that you have whatever you are trying to create named the same thing as something else. You need to change the ID, which is what the game uses to identify everything. It's like trying to name two files with exactly the same name.
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When you get those "form's ID is not unique" errors it means that you have whatever you are trying to create named the same thing as something else. You need to change the ID, which is what the game uses to identify everything. It's like trying to name two files with exactly the same name.


Yep! I finally figured it out. You have to forgive my elderly feeble mind. Some days it is a wonder I can remember my own name. Anyway, I finally created my follower, but then it crashed my game at the start menu. However, I was able to load it in to the NPC Creator mod without a problem. I would imagine I needed to move it up or down in the load order, but I don't know how to do that with the NMM. No doubt at some point I will figure that out too. Thanks for you assist. It was much appreciated.

Edited by jallard
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