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hearthfire stuff /feel free to add stuf/


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Some Hearthfire related things I would personally want to see done would be things like:


1. Super landplot, some kind of buyable plot of land where there where not one workbench and a drafting table, but three, allowing oyu to build three house right next to eachother (not in a straight row tho, that would look wierd), that way it could be made to look like it really was a singel pice of property, giving you eaought available wings to have one of each of the uniqe rooms. Then you could devote one of the hoese to family life, one to knowledge and one to crafting or something. Have no Idea if this is realistic or not, but since there are allready three homesteads in Skyrim I figure that it should be "possible" to copy whatever mechanics are used in those buildingprocesses and put tree new buildingsites in one place. To prevent all three houses from pointing in the same direction directing I guess youd have to rotate them. Htis would have course mean, that for example, the "western" wing would not actually point towards west in at leats two of the houses, but who really cares?


2. Ability to remove htings youve built and replace them, both furniture and buildings. I dont care if it gives you back some of the building material or not, as long as I know that the choises I make are not carved in stone.


3. More races for children, this is somehting that would probably be really hard to do, I guess the probably most realistic way to do this in would be to retexture a child and swap ears for eleven kids, mouths for orcs and the whole head for beast race childs. (They would probably still use the same voices as other children) For the beast races who in all cases would need to have their whole facemodle swaped there is of course the problem that the new face wouldnt look childish enought. For kajiit girls one could perhapps make use of this mod: "http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17040" Tho the mod is originally intended form making pretty khajiit women, the fact that it adds option for much larger eyes could be used to make the character appear more cute and childlike, something that could be usefull if you want to convine someone that the short kajiit in front of them is a child. That is, of course, If tktk would let us use his/her mod for this. I dont even really have any idea on how you would create a convincing argonian hatchling witchout doing some serious face moddeling youself.


I realize this last one would be hard as h*ll tho, wichever one of these crazy ideas one would devote oneself to, Im just trying to at least brainstorm some theory (I know very little of how modding works) based suggestions on how one could possibly execute these ideas of mine instead of just coming up with wild thoughts hoping that someone will figure everything out for me. And again, these are still just suggestions on mods that I personally would like to see, Im not really expecting anyone to do all this for me :P

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Might as well put mine down.


1. More adoptable children (I saw the Aventus Aretino thread but I thought I would add him here again, Babette and so on)

2. Different options for decorating (like more "magic" stuff if your a mage, Dark Brotherhood type things if your in DB)

3. Different shrine options (Shrine to Sithis...)


I agree with both of you guys on some of your idea's like more hives, a female bard, removing buildings..


There needs to be more mods for Hearthfire...i'm just wondering why there really arn't any mods out for it yet..

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I'd like to see different textures for Hearthfire. Something other than the white walls would be nice. Also different textures for the beds and whatnot. I don't know if it's possible to do that without changing all the beds and so forth in game, but I thought I'd suggest it anyway.

Also, besides the more child adoption, I'd like to be able to chose which house each child goes to, except for selecting just one and having all the children go there (I haven't actually done this yet, but I understand this is what happens?)

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Definitely more children and to choose to which house to send them.


Make Aretino adoptable.


Removing buildings sounds good, but it might have problems if you had stuff in the containers on that part of the house. Gotta be careful.

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I have an faming mod in beta, work just like in heartfire except that you can create your own spots with fertile soil.

all the basic functionality work. Just need some tweaking to get the soil to fit better with the terrain.

You do not want more planting spots using heartfires method, all the spots has an unique container and npc linked to them

Will probably release it here tomorrow.


Yes the ability to disable build furniture had been nice. I would also want more options, like having both the bedroom, kitchen and the greenhouse


Khajiit kids and wife if they add an chaise tail idle animation for the kid I will pay serious money.


Additional guards might be nice perhaps an tower with an huge dwemer crossbow.

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  • 1 month later...
Bards are purchasable from the steward, not all are female though. I believe the wiki for Hearthfire lists which ones are available for which home. I would also like to see more content added and the ability to build what ever add on to what ever side I want.
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guess i'll put mine down too!


1. ability to add more wings (or floors) to your built house.

2. i agree with the more farming plots as mentioned above and i want to add the ability to plant cooler stuff besides the ingredients.

3. maybe some sort of small gate for the animal pen (my chickens keep wandering out lol.)

4. ability to put Frost actually inside the stable like the horses you buy are.

5. going along with number 5, maybe a gate for the stable.

6. bigger selection in trophy room (more creatures to choose from.)

and finally 7. maybe some sort of painting or scroll or something we can hang on the wall in our bedroom.

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