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Modding Skyrim's audio/sound files


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Here's the thing. I wanted to create a mod that changes the sound effects of weapons and various other stuff like music or dragon shouts etc. incidentally, I tried some audio mods here in nexus. Turns out from the files I see is just a matter of some WAV files put together in a folder and copied into Skirims "DATA" folder. So modding the audio might not be as hard as I thought it'd be.


The question is, I already know to use WAV files to switch the audio, but how do I go around naming the folders and naming the sound files I created? Does it have to be specific the same as the files in the Sounds.bsa folder?

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If you are replacing existing sounds then yes, it has to be specific folders and names as outlined in the stock BSA files. unless you feel like seeing if those sounds can be rerouted/renamed in the Creation Kit, but why bother for simple replacers


if you are adding new ones to a new object and connecting them in the Creation Kit then no, it doesn't have to be exactly the same. you can put a custom directory in there somewhere to distinguish your new stuff.


fyi this is true of any of the game's files, not just audio

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How do I know the names of the original files then? i want to do something like this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25025#content


Not replacing the original files of Skyrim, but rather make the game use the souunds from the data folder like this mod.

When you unpack the BSA as AnkhAscendant stated, you will get the directory tree structure and file name. by duplicating that which is necessary for your file in your data directory you will be replacing the original sound with your sound because the game looks for data in this format


1st -- save game

2nd -- loose files

3rd -- bsa/plugin files in load order from bottom to top (this is why last loaded gets used)

4th -- original game files

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