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Ok so i was in the tunnels and there was an ant bout 1 mile to the left of the ant on the right. the left ant was slightely closer and i wasnt seen. so i decided to shoot the farthest away with my 10MM in sneak/crouch mode. but to my suprise my bullets come out of my gun at a 45 Degree angle and aim for the closer ant.... i mean WHAT THE **CK IS THAT ABOUT!!!!!!. bethesda should REALLY add a disable auto aim option but noooooooooooooo. if anyone out there is listening to this. please make a .ESP file for no auto aim. please and :thanks:
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I dont have any kind of auto aim - about 1 out of 10 shots hits its target


Check your difficulty level, if its on normal below, it probably shouldnt be,


I take crosshairs off and play on Very hard, its reasonably difficult, sometimes.

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i tried it on all. i tried it with everything i basically saved the game and retryed it with

Very easy Easy Normal Hard Very Hard. crouch mode. non crouch mode non zoomed in. zoomed in i tried EVERYTHING and still auto aim its annooying :(

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Acctualy there seems to be something to what he says. Countless times I have aimed at the head with a sniper rifle and instead the bullet hit some other body part. Other times when I have not been aiming a few bullets have hit targets I wasnt even aiming for. I fear that the percentages for hitting something in VATS applies to "normal" combat as well...
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This is because it is an RPG in first person, not an FPS. Even if you are aimed directly at the person from 10 feet away, you could still miss. Likewise, even if you aren't aimed right at them, your skill with a weapon can counter physics and you can still hit them. It has far more to do with stats and random chance, than crosshairs.
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Acctualy there seems to be something to what he says. Countless times I have aimed at the head with a sniper rifle and instead the bullet hit some other body part. Other times when I have not been aiming a few bullets have hit targets I wasnt even aiming for. I fear that the percentages for hitting something in VATS applies to "normal" combat as well...


Actually yes, I have had that.


I aimed at the head of a supermutant with pistol and twice the bullet kind of "bent" towards his torso.


COuldnt tell if it was just a random miss or what.... but i have noticed it

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i agree 100% with scheckles i would love it to be a stand alon mod disabling auto-aim without hte bullsh** from other mods i mean theres a mod that disables auto-aim but it has loads of other sh** i dont want such as like 75% increased damage. and crap like that.
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Acctualy there seems to be something to what he says. Countless times I have aimed at the head with a sniper rifle and instead the bullet hit some other body part. Other times when I have not been aiming a few bullets have hit targets I wasnt even aiming for. I fear that the percentages for hitting something in VATS applies to "normal" combat as well...


Actually yes, I have had that.


I aimed at the head of a supermutant with pistol and twice the bullet kind of "bent" towards his torso.


COuldnt tell if it was just a random miss or what.... but i have noticed it


Yet, I've definitely got head shots, leg crippling, etc. without using VATS. So it's possible to do locational damage with the real-time combat mode. I think Alanor is probably on to something, though, when he suggests that the VATS accuracy applies to real-time combat.

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