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How to increase volume?


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As title says, I would like to know how can I increase volume in Skyrim, because it's really too low.

I've the game with latest update and are updated also audio drivers for my mainboard. In other games I haven't this problem.

I've tried this solution here and it effectively increase volume, but I don't like the "equalization" and the loud steps sound.


How can I do?

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So, have you used the audio sliders on the "settings" from the menu screen? (the one that comes up if you hit esc in game)


Also have you increased you computers basic sound level (Before starting skyrim, whereever you go to do this, it might be a key on your keyboard, or you might have an icon in your task bar. Also if you are using external speakers there is probably a knob....


There is also a volume setting in the prefs.ini--you can raise it to 100.0


What are you using for audio?

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