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Snow Elf race mod


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Hey guys, i have a xbox 360 with skyrim, dawnguard and all the patches available. Anyway all i want to know is: Is there any way to install a mod that make the snow elf race playable from the begining of the game? i don´t care too much about the snow elf powers however if its possible to put the power it would be nice. Im not expert on xbox stuff but if you show me a little tutorial i will be very greatefull. ( Forget about my english im brazilian :psyduck: )
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By 'Not supported', frakle means that console modding is not endorsed or recommended by Bethesda or the Nexus. Every topic about console modding is eventually locked by a moderator.
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All of the above.

A little more clarification:


Microsoft doesnt allow any software on their consoles which they havent checked themselves.

So to prevent all kinds of legal poopstorms, both the nexus and bethesda wont endorse or support console modding. Be it in hardware, or software.


Sorry mate, but that's the way it is.

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