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Fallout 4 is so easy and people cheat plus boast online


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Oh my god,


Fallout 4 is so simple, if a person is beginner, just sneak and use your companion as a meat shield (they won't die as in Fallout 3).


You can load back a save game even if you die.


Even on survival mode, you can visit a doctor or use vertibird travel (which is fast travel but you need $$$ to buy the grenades).


People cheat (which is okay to me).


Then they boast about their "exploits" online.


Why god, why? I cry.


I cry a river.


You wana boast, make sure you play almost all the famous mods in Nexus and level to 500 (without cheating).


If you are watching and waiting for FO5 to come out, play Might and Magic 6 (that game is very similar to F04).

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