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Outward facing trading post landing pads Visions & Beyond :-)


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Another little bit of tinkering done today, accidently came across the file while looking for something else. Ships basically face outwards when landing on the platforms so will avoid hitting one another or the structure, plus it looks better in my opinion. I made it for Visions then made it for Beyond, might send it to another Mod maker to release if anyone is interested. I only make them because i like tinkering with NMS. Right onto the next thing that bugs me. Er what's that then?


Below screenshot taken from Visions 1.77




Credits to monkeyman192 who without his mbincompiler we wouldn't have any mods at all.


A link to hosting site I thought I should leave in. Fairs fair as they say.


Edited by northener69
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NMS is a strange one, i made this Mod by accident and after chatting with JJhookah he did the same thing but with a completely different file and reducing the files modified in another mod i made and merged them both. Sorry useless information but this forum is kinda dull so i guess anything written is amazing! :happy:

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