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Why Would You Vote For This Man?


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I'd have to agree with Michlo here. Recognizing ignorance is important, but continuing on in the face of it is ignorant in and of itself.


But don't worry about my thoughts.

Trust me, I won't. :)

Your immense post belies this response.

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What exactly is the point of all this drivel?


After he has been in office a while and you actually have something official to go on, perhaps then you can dissect him, until then, it is all conjecture, bitterness and posturing.


He's been in office for awhile now and has not done what he was elected to do.

Namely, represent his constituants.

He has spent his entire elected life running for an ever higher office.


It's official he's reversed his stance on "torture", and is on the verge of doing so regarding wiretapping, and stated (officially): "Richard (Damn filter lol) Cheney's advice was good, which is let's make sure we know everything that's being done... ...we shouldn't be making judgments on the basis of incomplete information or campaign rhetoric""

It's official he's keeping on two key players in Bush administration. Robert Gates and Timothy Geithner.

It's official he' fiddling away 150 million dollars on a celebration of... himself as America burns.




Your immense post belies this response.

It belies the idle time on my hands where I didn't feel like working on anything and kept my fingers busy while finishing my beer.

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He's been in office for awhile now and has not done what he was elected to do.

Namely, represent his constituants.

He has spent his entire elected life running for an ever higher office.

Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore.


It's official he' fiddling away 150 million dollars on a celebration of... himself as America burns.

Is Obama in charge of the Inauguration Day planning? I honestly don't know. In any case, Americans in general want to celebrate the day. Millions have turned out at the Washington monument. We could, of course, swear in our first black president without all the pomp, but that wouldn't be much fun. We could go on talking about the dire straits of the economy, but that wouldn't be very enjoyable. Ultimately, Americans like to enjoy themselves.


While everyone and their mommas are throwing around quotes, might I toss one into the mix?


...we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. If you can't lick 'em, join 'em. If it hurts, repeat it. But to praise despair is to condemn delight, to embrace violence is to lose hold of everything else. We have almost lost hold; we can no longer describe a happy man, nor make any celebration of joy.

Give people their day of celebration; we can start fixing stuff tomorrow.

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What are we fixing when we'll be facing the same problems due to the same causes?

I'm certain he has quite an impact on the planning. If he were genuine, IF he were all about change, he wouldn't be accepting MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN GIFTS (from eeeeevil corporations lol) AS HIS VERY FIRST ACT!

It doesn't have to be subdued. It ALSO doesn't have to be so blatantly obscene.


If Americans want to celebrate, by all means, they are free.

What though is there to celebrate?

His melanin content? Pardon me, but that seems a bit racist.

The fact that he's told his acolytes that he's got his, now he's leavin'? (Referring to anything he said on the campaign as "just rhetoric")


Ah well, as I've said before, the media has done him a great disservice. He's on so high a pedestal, the fall's gonna be a M.F.

Apparantly, in 37 minutes, Obama's gonna fart out a rainbow and it's going to rain 100 dollar bills and sugar free lolipops...

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Apparantly, in 37 minutes, Obama's gonna fart out a rainbow and it's going to rain 100 dollar bills and sugar free lolipops...
While I do like and wished him to be president, what you said is metaphorically true. The popular media all around the world are for him. I saw a tv discussion about his upcoming presidency yesterday. They concluded that they are optimistic while the facts they cited were wrong.
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Trust me, I'm tired of all the infomercials selling random Obama crap. Once things actually start happening, the tone of the media coverage will change. It will have to; the nightly news can't survive on happiness.


What though is there to celebrate?

His melanin content? Pardon me, but that seems a bit racist.

I disagree. Recognizing race is a far different thing than being "racist." Blindly pretending we're all the same is just as bad as pretending race has anything to do with intelligence or skill.


However...it may not seem significant to you that we have elected a black man as president, but it certainly seems so to many black kids living in relative poverty. Whether or not their position is caused by racism, they are often taught to see it as such. Seeing a black man elected president is a sign to them that, perhaps, the entire world isn't against them after all. It isn't, of course, but many see it that way. Racism does exist, and the election of Barack Obama does symbolize a blow to racism's hold on America to many, many people, whether you think it should or not.


Finally, the point's been made before, but I'll make it again. Blind cynicism is just as bad as blind hope. You say his fall will be huge, but you're assuming, based on cynicism, that he will fall. He became president today. Let's see what happens tomorrow before we dismiss him entirely.

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It's not based on cynicism. It's based on the unrealistic expectations being foisted upon him. Nobody could live up to the hype being bandied about.

It's not blind anything. It's a simple, grounded, realistic observation.

He has already fallen away from his campaign rhetoric. The persona who was elected will not be the persona serving in office.

I'm deaf, btw, get it right. :P


the nightly news can't survive on happiness

Would that it could...

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It isn't about him being black. He himself barely touches upon that topic.


Yes, that is important for all of the reasons Herosinger mentions but overall, it is about someone who is young, bright and charismatic; someone who embraces change, new technologies and the fact that we have to move and evolve in different ways, just as the world is and has.


THAT is why so many people are feeling a renewed hope, THAT is why nobody but bitter buggers mind the pomp and ceremony surrounding today and THAT is why we should stop all this drivel about what he has or hasn't done and said and look not only to what does happen but what WE too can do to help.


The very fact that we are even on this forum being able to "debate" this at all means we are some of the privileged of this world. Perhaps some of us here could be using our power / strength / voices / intellect to help effect the changes we all need and want rather than just shooting everything down?

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