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Everything posted by Gligamesh

  1. Dunno about the movie, but it was a kickass game.
  2. It was cool until people started cheating/hacking. Then, the pubs sucked. That, and getting kicked for stupid reasons. Explore a custom map and get too close to a spawn? /kick pwn the wrong person too much? /kick hop in a vehicle and start blasting the crap outta the enemy? /kick Snipe people too well? /kick Fart? /kick The /kick feature as well as cheats/exploits/hacks have made me come to hate online MP games. Call me ancient, but gimme good ol' splitscreen any day. My friends are too broke or too busy for LAN. lol
  3. Any "ism" is bad for relations, in that there is no other "way". There is no flexibility between either side. Israel is not completely Zionist either. The Arab world is prepared to accept and recognize Israel if it can hammer out something, ANYTHING that would recognize Palestine as an autonomous state. The problem with this is Hamas blocking every effort, and Zionist settlers fanning flames. The more level headed Fathah and Kadima parties were making progress. Sadly, Likud seems to be making a comeback (thanks to Hamas' aggression), and the skullduggery has already begun in preparation for Ehud Olmert's downfall. This is the war that doesn't end/ Yes it goes on and on my friend/ Some people started fighting it/ Not knowing what it was/ And they'll continue fighting it/ Forever just because/ This is the war that doesn't end/ Yes it goes on and on my friend...
  4. I vote for C) "All of the above"
  5. If the situation were reversed, and Hamas possesed Israel's hardware, it's my opinion that Israel and the (Middle Eastern) Jew would be a thing of the past.
  6. I'm sure they will. Israel only enacted the cease fire for calm during the U.S. presidential inauguration. They were still being hit by rockets after Hamas "agreed". This is an opening, though I doubt it'll lead to anything good. Edit: Wow, that sounds kinda conspiracy-theoryish... lol
  7. Willy Pete is a tool like any other tool in an arsenal. I know from personal experience that burning isn't painful. It's surviving and the healing after the burning that hurts like hell. So anyone dying from it isn't dying in unbearable pain anyway. Very few people die with any sensation of pain. Most scream out of terror, not pain. It's very disorienting not being able to will your body to do something which is normally an easy task. Nerve agents and biological agents can bring about death in a very slow and painful manner which is one of the contributing factors as to why they're banned. That, and their utter effectiveness. Like spraying Raid on ants. Anyway, enough of that. I'm not defending any particular weapon, or slamming it. Just giving a perspective from personal experience. Hamas has as it's stated goal the destruction of Israel. It seeks to wipe Israel (and by extention, Israelis) off the map. Ask yourself. Is it justified in crying foul when Israel flips their rhetoric on it's head and gives them a first hand look at the reality of the hate they spew so casually? Israel SHOULD tone down their operations. It would be a step up w/regards to their media image. Of course, it SHOULD rain hundred dollar bills...
  8. My only gripe (and it's minor) is the captioning only displayes one person's line at a time, and sometime's you miss part of an npc conversation. Still, pretty much everything said is captioned and it's nice to have it, especially after enduring games with only selective captioning or none at all...
  9. I would imagine that living surrounded by governments and thousands of people who want to wipe you off the face of the earth isn't very nice either. ..which didn't have ideas about wiping them off before the manifestation of zionism in the 1920s/1930s. Philistines and orthodox Jews in the area now known as Israel and Palestine lived in relative harmony before zionism came into the picture. With hardline Zionist referring to nonjews as cattle, I've never been partial to them. And a convenient scapegoat. There's an easy way to avoid these things... Only buy what you can afford. ;) Too true. I dunno about informed or wiser. I just felt the need to play devil's advocate. Can't say I'm fond of either, personally. I'm really not too fond of Israel roilin' the waters with quite a few of my buddies still in Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Iraq. So it does have the potential to effect them. It's just not imminent at the moment. The ripple is there, but it's not yet a wave. I'm just keepin' watch on how things play out, really and runnin' my idiot mouth because I've got nothing better to do in the wee hours. macmert... Once again. Smart bombs are guided by stupid humans. It could have been an accident. Even if it were deliberate (which I doubt, though it is not outside the realm of possiblity, and as such, must be taken into account) it can't be said to be officially sanctioned by Olmert's crew. Give military kids with a grudge some hardware, and they're bound to do things you never intended them to do with it. And blacken your eye with their idiocy, cruelty, and short sightedness. Maybe a unit loyal to Uncle Benji was persuaded to be overly prejudicial in their prosecution? Maybe Hamas units in Israeli uniforms herded their comrades into a building that was a known target? Who knows? We may never know. War is hell.
  10. Krusty the Klown! haha Yeah, more variety in voice acting would have been nice. I'm deaf though. I mean, I can hear... Very very VERY loud noises... hahaha So I guess text only is a bias o' mine. I have to say, the subtitling was well done.
  11. Wait... so... Jews have to be granted land on which to live... Supported heavily by sponser nations... Yet somehow they control the world economy? Uh... Right. How does Israel lock women and children in houses? Please explain that one? I know Hamas takes over houses and keeps the inhabitants there through coercion, force, and fear. When a Hamas operative is nuetralized, the civvies go with him. A common tactic throught the organization. Even the smartest smart bombs are directed by stupid humans, so yes, UN shelling is unfortunate, but an accident all the same.
  12. Two op-ed pices I read yesterday that may appeal to posters here. http://sfchronicle.us/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../EDOS15ABL8.DTL http://sfchronicle.us/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../EDNV15AQDQ.DTL Both overly rosy, I'm afraid. Interesting, nonetheless.
  13. I think if they'd have spent less time importing culinary wares from Elder Scrolls games, they could have focused more on the story. Same with limiting voice acting to only integral characters who had something to say. If they'd have spent more time on dialogue and the long term consequences of your actions, and you, know... actually finishing the game, this would have been an instant classic. As it is, every playthrough, I feel like something is missing. Meh. That's what mods are for. :D
  14. I never singled them out as stupid... Of course, everyone is "dumb", just in different areas, and under different circumstances. I never said anyone "deserved" anything. I never even said Hamas deserves the pounding it's getting. The Palistenian civillians anyway, but that's a byproduct of Hamas' tactics and Israel's massive offensive. I did say Israel over-reached. Everyone knew that was going to happen though. Hamas knew it when they overthrew the Abbas regime in Gaza. I said it would solve the problem. If it can even be said to be a problem. Great things can be tempered in the intense heat of conflict. Clarity isn't my strong suit when typing, and damnit, here I am again. haha See ya.
  15. Okay. You baited me. Bravo. My last word on the whole thing: general slur? Manner barely suiting a 12 year old Hell's Angel on extacy? I haven't slurred any of the posters in this topic. Well, I did call one guy slow, and edited it out, and apologized. That was the extent of it though. I stated my ambivalence prior to making the statements you reference. It wasn't based on hate. In order to hate, you have to care. It was a general dismissal of life, and the importance silly humans attach to it. Again. My opinion. Doesn't make it true. I could have worded it better, at the very least. Strike me down for being new, but I brought the attitude and dark humor I use among friends. I suppose I should have made friends before deploying it. At any rate, I've already apologized for any offense. I definately won't be frequenting this particular section of the forum again. (rejoice!) lol You have a good evenin' now, y'hear?
  16. That's the thing. Pictures do NOT tell all. Pictures can be used toward many ends. Sometimes, a few good pictures is all it takes to short circuit rational thought. Israel had an entirely different set of actions in mind before Hamas overthrew the Abbas government in Gaza and started stirring up trouble by, first and foremost, BREAKING THE CEASEFIRE. They initiated hostilities. They cannot now cry foul and say they are being persecuted because they are not. They are being prosecuted. When all is relatively peaceful, and a cease fire is in effect, what sane, rational person or entity would break it? Especially when they are outgunned and outclassed on the battlefield? (Which they also ensured would be their friend's and neighbor's, homes, by the way.) Their only strategy is holding on long enough to generate enough pictures to tug at enough heartstrings to hopefully create a backlash against Israel. Hamas had the power to ensure those pictures would never have been possible. They also had the power to ensure their possibility. Guess which path they chose? I know I'm beating a herd of dead horses here... I don't even know why I bother, really. I quit. :)
  17. That is Israel's problem. They blow everything out of proportion. It's Hamas intention to topple Israel, but they do not have the power or the support. I think they knew the reaction that would come, because Israel has a well set precedent for just massively obliterating anything they percieve to be a threat. I think Hamas' aim was to draw Israel in and play the victim, to try and gain sympathy for their cause. It's working. Hamas is just as much at fault as Israel in this mess. If there were Palestinian statehood, what would they do? If the Arabs accepted Israel as neighbors, Hamas would be out of business. If Israel and the Arab world pooled their talent and resources, the Middle East would become a one hell of a powerhouse.
  18. X-Men and Streets of Rage MIDIs on Genesis are perpetually stuck in my head... Earthworm Jim (any of them)
  19. MP: 007 Goldeneye/Perfect Dark, Mega Bomberman (Genesis/Master System), or Mario Kart SP: Shadowrun (Genesis/Master System)
  20. Iraq is (was) secular. Only in the power vacuum caused by the fall of Saddam Hussein has Islam risen to prominence in that nation. Israel was on track to recognize a Palestine State, then Hamas took over snd did everything they could to prevent that from occuring. Israel has outlined a peace agreement. 1) Stop shelling Israel. 2) Do not rearm when the troops withdraw. (Hamas, not Palestine) It is up to Hamas to accept. Hamas states they are approaching victory. With an insane view like that (They are taking 100-1 losses) how do you deal with them? They have staged attacks from southern Lebanon in an effort to draw Hezbollah into the conflict, but were not successful. They will not work with Egypt. "In Egypt, efforts to broker a cease-fire were complicated by bickering inside Hamas, the Egyptian official said. The official said that Hamas representatives in Gaza were eager for a cease-fire, but were being blocked because political decisions were being made by the group’s leadership in Damascus, Syria. “Hamas is in a very difficult position,” the Egyptian official said. “On the ground, their militants are not doing as good a job, not matching their rhetoric. But politically, they have been totally taken over by their sponsors. “The guys inside are holding their ground, but they don’t want to continue the confrontation,” the official said. Egypt talks to Hamas but is not eager to see the radical Islamic group succeed in running a small statelet next door." http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/15/world/mi...mideast.html?hp The end to this is in Hamas' hands. They could have worked toward peace, but they chose a different route. Now they reap what they have sown. Just be glad Olmert is at the helm, and not Benjamin Nentanyahu. That guy is a serious thorn in everyone's side, and has zero respect for any notions of Palestinian statehood. Hopefully things get back on track. It's up to Hamas to stand up and wage peace.
  21. Edit: I never claimed to be a victim. I just thought the banning was quite sudden and unwarranted. I don't feel victimized. I just feel there was a miscommunication. Clarity is not my strong suit. :P I've already offered to stay out of the Debate forum. People are entirely too sensitive here. Nothing good will come of my posting there. In other areas of the board, I am civil. My exact words: "Like I said, I don't really care. It doesn't affect my monkey troop at the moment, and will not for some time to come, if ever. Turn it to glass and set up a factory for all I care. They are nobody to me. Death to the Middle East. That will solve the problem quite nicely." A little harsh, in retrospect. It was an off topic comment, and probably shouldn't have been typed. If I expanded it to include everyone on earth, period, myself included, would that make you happy? Apologies are in order if I offended you, but I don't hold life to the same standard as others. No offense. Death is inevitable, you know? Furthermore, most religions believe in eternal life. Death is a transition. I'd much rather be chatting with God than my fellow apes. I tend to view people as apes with shiny toys. Again, no offense. That's just my belief. Humans are not the end-all be-all of anything in my view. Just a random conglamoration of molecules. Of note: Extremists in the Middle East have a habit of spewing Death to (insert group or nation here). Satire. Bad satire, but satire. I don't want anything. I take life as it comes. I deal with individuals on an individual basis. Regions as a whole, meh. Nothing else outside my little world matters to me, unless it has the potential to screw with my little world. I don't care one way or the other about your religion. I am not attacking your religion. I never even singled out Islam. I myself am agnostic, I guess, if you must slap a label on me. A higher power is too large a concept for my puny monkey brain to process, so why bother? If it's there, it's there, and I'll pay my price. If not, hey, worm food. The problem is perpetual and there is only one way, in my mind, to solve it. It included everyone, not just Muslims. The Middle East is not an exclusively Muslim location. The majority of Muslims live in Indonesia, FYI... So. Sorry if my opinion offends you. Don't take the half-sane musings of an internet moron so seriously, aye? It's nothing personal. The only people I care about are the people in my monkey troop. Everyone else is a nonentity. At least I'm honest about it. Nah, I don't mind, honestly. Say what you want about me. I know I oversimplify things. I know I make sweeping generalizations and shoot from the lip when sometimes I could be more prudent. But attempt to make a counter argument, so you don't end up looking just as foolish as me. :) I mean, I never flamed you. Why flame me? Attack my ideas. Thank you for your concern, and for finally outlining what ticked you off. I don't wish death on anyone. I was just saying it would solve the problem. Apologies are in order if I have offended you. As for making light of life and death, that's MY belief. Attack it with vigor. As-sallamu aleykum! Regards, PrideAssassin
  22. So... Can I have my account back or not? http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...40&start=40 I know you all have lives, are busy people, and my concerns are low on your priorities list, but I'd like to update my uploaded file. (Patience was never my strong suit... ask any passenger in or on any vehicle I've piloted...) I think everyone got carried away there, and there was on almost everyone's part a bit of reaction without thought going on. In that light, banning the new guy seems to make sense... I was getting trolled and flamed. I'm not complaining about that, I'm fine with people flaming me as long as they stay on topic... Posters were constantly going off topic. They were commenting on me as a person, instead of any idea I had presented, however flawed or unsavory. I didn't report them because I believe in freedom of speech, but I did try and drag them back on topic to no avail. I referred them to my e-mail for off topic communications and a place to direct their flames. Twice. When that didn't work, I created a new topic specifically for flaming me. Call it trolling if you want, I just wanted a more focused argument. Of course, it didn't work, but who hasn't failed at a goal in life, or made a bad decision? (Or a decision in bad humor?) lol I never received any kind of warning, or any strike. If you'd have told me to STFU, I would have respected that. The miscommunication was an honest mistake. Now that I know the word has another meaning, it'll never be used by me again. That was definately NOT the context I intended. I'm a blunt person. Stupid at times as well, like any other (relatively) hairless ape. The two don't mix well, though I try to manage. :P Anyway, if you've made it this far, thank you for your time. That's valuable currency which can never be refunded. Hopefully this will be resolved and I can repay you by puttin' in some work of dubious quality on the GECK, and ratcheting down my "confrontational" level within debates... Regards -PrideAssassin
  23. I've apologized for a huge miscommuniction privately, now I will do so publicy. Ignorance is no excuse, and you can infer what you wish. I honestly did not know the word was a slur. And that is the truth. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/poof 1poof Pronunciation: \ˈpüf, ˈpu̇f\ Function: interjection Date: 1824 —used to express disdain or dismissal or to suggest instantaneous occurrence That was the context I intended, and I had no idea it meant what it means. It was in reference to my professors, and not toward any poster on this board. It has been removed from my lexicon, now that I know. Michlo, again, I apologize for offending you. It definately won't happen again. Whether I stay banned (lol) or not. Moderators, ban this account if you wish, I'm not here to cause trouble, but if you feel I'm more trouble than I'm worth, then I'll abide by your wishes. You have a great modding community that I aspire to learn from and contribute to. I would appreciate my old account back, since I have a file uploaded under that name that I want to update. But seeing as you're not here to please me, but to keep the peace, I'm doubting that will happen I can promise not to further rile your community, it's up to you whether or not you believe I'm sincere. If you want to reinstate me with 2 strikes I'd be thrilled, even though it was an honest miscommunication. So, once again, apologies are in order to Michlo, the moderators (for having to put up with me), and anyone else I may have offended. One way or the other, it won't happen again. I tend to get riled easily, and have extreme views (especially with regard to human rights and death), so I'll just stay away from debates, yes? Hopefully a compromise can be found. Y'all have a good day. Regards, -PrideAssassin
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