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Problem with Followers


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So I just had something odd happen. I left my two followers at home and went out for a bit to sell some stuff in town nearby. When I came back both of them were gone. I searched my house top to bottom and no sight of them. I tried leaving and coming back a few hours later and still no luck... This is really weird. I could undersand if I left them out in the wilds somewhere but I had them in sandbox mode, so they should still be there when I come and go until I give them the command to follow like i've done countless times beore. I'm using UFO for the my followers and my two actuall followers are No'Ana and Rasha from the Dagi Raht race mod and my house is the Riverside Lodge & Sauna player home mod. I've been using those mods for over a month and a half with no issues, and then this all of a sudden shows up. All my mods are up to date, and skse and skyrim are patched to their current versions. Any insight would be grealty appreciated thanks.
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