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The best one-handed weapons


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Without smithing skills or maxing out the enchanting tree, which are your top 10 one-handed weapons? Any weapon type is fine, including DG weapons. From what I understand, Dragonbone weapons can only be obtained via smithing with the Dragon armor perk, so obviously, those don't count. This should not be spoilers, as it is just the names of the weapons and not any specific details.
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Mine come from a mod actually.....Jaysus Swords....My Dovahkin is a Duel Wielder and I always thought the swords looked cumbersome and clunky when duel wielded.....Jaysus Swords offers a craft-able Sword (Dibellan) that isn't much longer than an Ebony Dagger....looks perfect for duel wielding.... :happy: ...and stays on par with decent damage out put with steel smithing....the only perk point I actually need to put into the Smithing Tree for it. Edited by StayFrosty05
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Don't even need the other 9. I guess "best" is a bit subjective, but the only one-handed weapon my char uses (after getting to the level where ebony is available) is the Damascus Ebony Sword. I fell in love with the looks when it first came out, especially as hashshashin followed it up almost immediately with a way cool little leather scabbard, and my char refuses to use anything else. :cool:
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basic onehanders... i'd say i prefer the akaviri katana (i refuse to use the new spelling)
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