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Need help with Blender and/or NifSkope


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Blender version: 249

Game: Skyrim



Attempted project: Adapt Petrovich's lingerie from the current UNP Curvy v1 body base to UNP Main body


Both UNP Curvy v1 & UNP Main have the same _0 mesh. they only differ in _1 mesh.


I can import the _1 mesh into blender and I can import the _1 body into blender. however the two meshes are nowhere near each other. If I take the lingerie mesh and add it to the body mesh in NifSkope they line up fine due to the skeleton nodes. If I delete the skeleton nodes in NifSkope then they go out of whack just like in blender. I can tweak the lingerie to line up as close as possible in NifSkope but when I try to load that version in blender, blender refuses to load it in.


In NifSkope I made the translation tweaks and then with the NiTriShape selected right clicked and did transform > apply. Should I have done something else to be able to import a more closely fitting lingerie mesh into blender? If so, what? Or am I stuck some how moving the whole thing in blender.


If I can get the two to import in the proper alignment then all I need to do is figure out how to change the lingerie at the breasts and a little at the shoulder straps, everything else looks as if it could fit fine.


If I can learn how to do this blender thing properly, I want to adapt the lingerie to the new UNP Curvy v2 if possible as well.

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  • 3 months later...

1. I have no clue what you are talking about with regards to Nif script.

2. This was posted back in OCTOBER. I have since given up and moved on to other things.

3. Blender has been removed from my computer as it was basically taking up space that could be otherwise used.

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