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Winterhold College "Under Saarthal" quest glitch


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I know a decent-sized handful of people have had this problem, and I have spent literally all night googling this, to no avail. In the college of Winterhold, after I complete Under Saarthal and get my quest reward, the next quest "hitting the books" doesn't trigger. I can't talk to the orc in the Arcanium to advance the quest. I've tried using setstage MG03 10 and that doesn't work at all. I have found that using completequest MG03 DOES work.... sort of. The eye of magnus is not in the Hall of Elements, and that breaks the questline for the rest of the quest. I've tried resetting the orc, I've tried a clean save, I've even tried starting all over from level one. NOTHING WORKS. I do have SKSE, But I'm not sure if it's the problem. Even if it were the problem, I don't know how to uninstall it. So, as a desperate last resort before I just give up on the idea of any of my characters being mages, ever, I'm posting here.
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