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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, but its stuck on a loop forever and ever and ever...... :pinch:


I wish I had a device made by some scientist that acts as a converter so I can convert cereal into pancakes.Pancakes, pancakes, sure do love them pancakes! :teehee:

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Wish granted now you are in left for dead 2 and you sir are the zombie, the hero's of the game kills you, for the second time.


I wish for my allergies to go away sniff :verymad:

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Wish granted, now you live in a hermetic bubble that protects you from all external allergies, but not those located within it.


I hope that all go for the best in the best of worlds. :confused:

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Wish granted, but for this to work there should be a better translation tool. Because in French "to wish", "to hope for" and also "hope that" have the same meaning: "souhaiter".


I seriously wish for a better tool apart Google's one to succeed to express wishes for a much better way. :rolleyes:

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A great shadow appears in the sky.. What is it? It has a rough rectangular shape, and is expanding rapidly as it falls towards you. Before the entire shadow engulfs you in blackness, you can barely make out the words on its cover, finely embossed in gold tassels.



Daniel Webster's Thesaurus




Yes, I had to use Impact font for that.


I wish for my summer reading assignments to be done.

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