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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, They are not valid any more, 5 year old tickets.


I wish the Borderlands 1.41 patch was out.


Actually even if you keep them for 10 years you can still use them, so yay for me :biggrin:


Granted but it was the same as your old identity


I wish for some DVDs

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Wish granted, but they are all black and white silent movies and the subtitles are written in Sanskrit.


I wish that tree hadn't fallen on my house

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Wish granted, its Monday For ever MWUA HA HA HA AH HA HA Cough HA HA HA HA HA



I wish for a glass of strawberry milk. I haven't had that flavor in a long time, its a shame they don't sell it in bags or cartons.

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