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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted but the Girls are from Iran... or somewhere disgusting... cant think of anything else now



I wish I could kick the maker of Dragon Age Awakening in the face.

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Granted, and no corruption on top of that. I hate him as much as you do.


I wish for a fridge filled with endless yeungling.... (Beer)

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:biggrin: Wish granted, Bioware brings out a eye patch, as a strange promotional deal :P it has Awakening written all over it??


I wish a skunk didn't spray in our backyard, ewww it stinks.


Its all through out the house now, the smell :sick: .

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LMAO, you edited that last minute! As punishment, I will grant your wish.


However, your phone has AT&T as the provider. This means your 3g coverage is low. Sorry.



Oh, and I wish that LHammonds was not leaving.

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