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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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wish granted, but it turned out to be an xbox 360 case filled with something to make it heavy (no, not computer componants, but a live brain and circulatory system) so it won't run as intended. However, the red ring still glows like an ominous eye watching you, and if you're awake late at night with all the lights down, you might even catch it singing lullabies....


I wish, then (since my last wish turned out to be a serial killer) that my husband himself was an elf with gorgeous long hair, actually disguised as an impatient human, and he took me away to some magical land!

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Wish granted, but the elf was uglyier than this guy.


And he took you on a very magical land.



Don't worry, you can cancel your wish if you want.

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Here's your




Yeah, you knew you had it coming.


I wish an attractive, non-murderous elf guy came and took me away. How about we'll say to Camoran's Paradise. That's beautiful, and it will be devoid of anyone and all daedra as well. We lived there happily ever after.

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