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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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granted but you have to eat losts of food, soo much food you split in two


i wish there was would peace for a second

Granted, but now there's more war than ever.



I wish my mod was done.

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Wish granted, but too bad you didn't watch the episode of Myth Busters that shows how it's done.


I wish people would quit posting in the "The Last Poster Wins" thread.

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Granted, you shapeshifted into a cane toad and were shipped to Australia. Guess what happened to you next...


I wish I had a pet parrot

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(Curse you CommanderCrazy!) Anyway, wish granted, and as a result, you somehow develop cancer.


I wish I could use Abstergo's animus in the Assassin creed's universe to revist the memories of my ancestors without CommanderCrazy's get jumped and left for dead routine.

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