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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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It glitches up, so now you can only play E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.


I want a brand new computer with nothing wrong with it.



Wish granted it's the perfect computer but the only problem is it isn't for gaming and has horrible graphics and very laggy gameplay no matter what.


I wish I could have a Pip-Boy 3000

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wish granted, but when you go to taste it you get ambushed by count chocula, he drinks all your blood then claims the fountain as his own.


I wish for a zombie apocalypse

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Granted, yet you are the first to die.


I wish for a trip into space in a perfectly sealed spacecraft with full tanks of petrol that can last as long as it takes to get there & back. The spacecraft is also armored, so it cannot be destroyed.



Wish granted but the location was the sun so you got roasted alive and delivered back to the location you came from due to the route of your ship.


I wish I could find someone to help me learn to mod...

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Fine, the storm knocks over a telephone line on you. Your charred corpse serves as a conduit to make the internet faster.


I wish I wasn't typing this in the dark and having to retype every 4th character.

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