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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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EDIT: I swear the last post was about a goldfish...where did it go? :confused:



Granted, your life with your goldfish is initially happy and you two played endlessly into the night, laughing and chatting.

...until one day disaster struck. War broke out in your country and you and your goldfish are separated in the ensuring chaos, you spend the rest of your life desperately seeking out your lost best friend.


I wish for easier school assignments.

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Granted now it is




I wish for a pet goldfish


Is this what you're looking for... :whistling:


Granted but you still failed the school assignments.


I wish XanAlderon granted LordFrostcraig's wish

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Wish granted.



I wish for eternal peace on earth and prosperity for all and no greed or negligence or upset or unhappiness.

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(Hey their not stupid, they are creative. (Raises head in air, arms crossed, and walks away.) LOL! :P )


Wish granted, you die in a money bath as a result of your "success".


I wish for a fire cracker.

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