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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted but it doesn't improve your spelling of the world imbecile :tongue:


I wish I didn't have to keep editing this post to avoid being called a hypocrite.

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Wish Granted But all your posts Edit with the same thing.


I wish that I had Tomi Undergallows as A Slave to do my chores.


Wish granted, but random slavers imprision you both to work as their slaves. :P


I wish I could see ultraviolet colors, that would be cool.

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Granted the god cheats are gone, BUT..... there are Infinite health cheats now? (kinda weird) :wacko:


I wish I had a Osborne family mod for Oblivion. (Called OFMO)  :teehee:



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granted. I explode your head to stop the insanity.


I wish I had power armor from fallout 3 in real life (T-51b Winterized to be exact)


Wish granted, but if fails to stop a gernade thrown by yours truly.


I wish I was invincible.


i can only wish the power armor would stop grenades ;)



granted, but when you try out the osborne mod, you rcomp explodes from lag.



I wish i had invincible t-51b power armor oh and a gattling lazer with unlimited ammo (invincible as well) and they cant be stolen/exploded/etc. And i cannot die or have any thing bad happen to me


cabt wait to see how someone corrupts this wish....

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Granted, but someone else also gets the armor and proceeds to destroy Tokyo and New York (At the same time) in a massive fight with Godzilla while wearing it! Your only chance to save the world is to go to the two cities yourself and stop them!



I wish that you people would corrupt wishes like they're supposed to be corrupted! Corrupting a wish means that you should take the item of their wish and slightly change it to make it unwanted. Like if I wished for a doughnut: It's got maggot filling.



Yes, that happened before. No, I'm not happy with it.

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Granted, but someone else also gets the armor and proceeds to destroy Tokyo and New York (At the same time) in a massive fight with Godzilla while wearing it! Your only chance to save the world is to go to the two cities yourself and stop them!

Time to go all Lone Wanderer on them!!! :P


Granted, but their wishs become to good and destroy the world in some unthinkable way.


I wish I was a super hero in power armor (yes i love power armor)

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Wish granted but your superpower does not go with the power armor because every time you use your super ability the suit has a serious energy breakdown in the circuits of power supply to the armor and nothing can fix that. so you have the chois to have super abilities or the super power armor but not both.


I wish

for a nice fish

named Wanda

on my veranda!



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