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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, you is now trog-door but nobody knows what to with you.

I wish I knew what the hoo haw a trog-door is....


.....trog door was a man....maby a dragon man....or maby just a dragon....but he was stilll TROG-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ...... TROG-DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR............(strong bad reffance)


granted....you have to get a compleatly new hdd because the virises(namly v-root) have burnt out your current hdd


i wish people were more knloageabull and stuff


Wish Granted. But now people drone on and on and on when you ask even the simplest of questions.


I wish I had a girlfriend with long silky hair, big blue eyes, and a nice figure.


Wish granted, it's your cousin. :sick:


I wish I could create my own universe.

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I wish I could create my own universe.


Wish granted. Sadly, also included is a black hole that pulls your new universe into it.


I wish I could get a job that required me to play video games all day :biggrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Granted, but you have to install one of those Voice Modulators from Bioshock to do so. Now it's permanent and you sound like something out of the sea.


I wish I knew some girls so I could get female voice acting done.

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Granted, but you are less straight than a curvy road, and all they want to do is have their way with you (had to keep my language pg)


I wish i knew what i wanted to wish for...?

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