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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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wish granted-turns out to be evil and eats calliton :verymad:


i wish i was out fishing right now, in Lake Eerie. A friend of mine owns an awsome speed boat inboard and it can go around 55mph, its docked for the summer in the inner bay, in some harbor. Can't think of the name right now, sigh.

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wish granted- you get the red ring of death as soon as you turn it on. probably will happen if you did buy one :verymad:


i wish it wasn't so late.

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wish granted but its made out of really cheap parts that breaks down real easy, and no one really makes games for cheap XBOXs cus no one ends up buying them.


I wish I could take things from my imagination and place them into the real world, AND! be able delete them with a simple thought ALSO! objects/things/people made from my imagination are really obedient and will not harm me...


corrupt that wish...I dare u

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