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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted, however you are plagued by wasp ants and mosquitos.


I wish for an end to world hunger.

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Granted but the graphics weren't improved, and the vo's were horrible and the combat stunk. So basically it's the same old Fallout but with more bugs.


I wish for more hugs

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Granted, random greasy old men come up and hug you constantly and its not a nice hug either, its an angry hug.


I wish to get a song out of my head...without pain or unnecessary trauma.

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granted..... your the unlucky person that just happend to eat a burger made out of genitckly alterd bovine(cow) meat and become the first zombie(the dumbest of all zombi kind)


i wish i was with in cable range of a good server(for cod4)

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Granted, but now nobody elses connection can keep up with yours so you can't play with anyone else.


I wish for a pay rise.

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Wish granted, but The Wish Faerie thought you said "piece" and leaves you a sack of dirt.


I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight....



@ GETbacon: Thanks, I always wanted a....

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