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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Wish granted, It's was aiming at Ducov (It missed, and hit Calvert Mansion, the aliens don't like bachelors.



I wish Fallout 3 came out next week, and it that it's cheap, with good graphics, multiplayer, moddability, a good story, that it's better than Fallout 3, and good company support.

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Granted you get a pile of crap.



i wish i had a mp3 player right about now, manly this kind.




they are the best mp3's players on the market. trust me a friend of mine has one and they rule, the cystality feature is awsome.


the same technology in the soundcards like my xfi usb.

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wish granted, but then you find that the wifi-capabilities are rather limited and that it only simulates Xfi.

(not necessarily a bad thing/)


Although I wish I had a had one as well.

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