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Corrupt a Wish(game)


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Granted as ghosts and scares away all the other contestants :biggrin: Haunted now. Show cancels a week later.


I wish it wasn't so crapy out. and cool out, i miss the worm weather, fall sucks.

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Granted, it rains forever (you could've predicted that answer)



I wish for Nicalis (admin has restricted this link for some reason, just look it up on google) and Wolfire to become more well known.

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Granted, but they become so well known that everyone ignores every other person on the site besides Nicalis and Wolfire, thus causing the forums to drop into chaos and every time somoenone clicks on one of their posts/topics/profiles, the website crashes because so many people are looking at them.




I wish I got paid for sitting on the couch.

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Granted but after close speculation you realize the blonde girl was just a guy named billy bob who just really likes long blonde hair..oh and he believes in love at first sight..and aggressive stalking...




I wish i was a southpark character.

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Granted. You replace Kenny as the fourth permanent installment to the show, and are killed repeatedly in every episode. Your character becomes such a success, that a spin-off is created, and your popularity leads to getting stalked by a blond guy who follows you everywhere begging for toenail clippings.


I wish GI Joe the movie, wasn't sooo lame.

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