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Creation Club Menu


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Started a new game, installed creation club mods (Noir Penthouse and Neon Flats) and I have no creation club menu.


I tried Mod: Workshop Menu Missing Tabs Fix - It managed to mess my menu up more.


I tried: Settlement Menu Manager - No joy.


Is there a common cause / fix for this the CC Menu to be missing?

TRYING hard to avoid starting a new game and going through 120 mods to find the cause, UGH!

And I have tried the common fixes I know of. Having started a new game I didn't discover this issue until a 3rd of a way through game play after completing the CC mods quest =/


Thanks much!

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If you've solved the problem, without having to reinstall the game, it would be advantageous to the community that you post your resolution. That way the rest of us can read of a fix, what may have caused it, as well as others may find the thread in a search. (Do people still do that?)

If you did have to just completely reinstall, it's faster to click on the report button at the bottom of your post, report your own post, and just ask the staff to delete the thread. That sends them a message in the staff only sections.

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